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Coleen Torres: 4 Reasons to Celebrate Valentine’s Day

4 Reasons to Celebrate Valentine’s Day

It’s that time of year again! Where love blooms, the color red and pink are abundant, fresh roses are on every street corner and chocolates are out of stock in a matter of minutes. Valentine’s Day has a lot of enemies and a lot of fans. Whether you are a naysayer or supporter here are a few reasons to celebrate the day of love this year:

Show you care: Yes we know you should always show your loved one that you love them all year long, but why not make one day a year extra special. Show them you love them by doing something above and beyond your normal affections. It can be as simple as making them a card, buying a single rose or taking them to their favorite restaurant for a romantic meal.

Your excuse to dress up: At one point moms and wives were once high heel wearing, make up loving, hair doing women. And then life caught up with us. Work, kids, marriage and family. Wearing sweatpants is comfortable and all but Valentine’s Day is a great excuse to get all gussied up and feel extra saucy. So go book reservations at that little restaurant down the road or salsa dance lessons now!

Rekindle the flame: Sometimes marriage can be tough. We all go through a rough patch where love somehow gets mixed up and lost in your busy lives. This holiday is for those who need a little push in the right direction. There are cards, flowers, chocolates and restaurants and balloons to your aid. Pick your passion and it’s just up to you to open your heart and enjoy spending time with that loved one.

Valentine's Day is the one day you can eat a lot of chocoate and it's acceptabl









Eat Chocolate: There is only one time a year that devouring a box of chocolates is socially acceptable. Valentine’s Day is that lucky day. So don’t hesitate, ignore that diet plan and dive into those chocolate covered strawberries.

No matter your stance on this ‘Hallmark’ Holiday,why hate on a holiday that is devoted to spreading love and being happy. Plus, it never hurt to tell the person you love, that you in fact do love them. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Author Bio:-

This is a guest post by Coleen Torres from home phone service. You can find more about her at her profile.






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13 years ago

I love, love.