You’re Invited: Share Your Surrender Story in 2016.
I mentioned Saturday that I’m being very intentional in 2016 about how to best get my Surrender Issues and Chocolate messages to the masses. One way is subscribing to the sweet, weekly encouragement delivered straight to your inbox that will start your week right. It’s the Julie Arduini’s Sunday’s Surrender and Chocolate, a short message that will always include a chocolate mention. Want to subscribe for free? Click here.

Another method I’m using is asking for more guest bloggers to share their story right here. We ALL have a surrender story.
- Maybe you learned something about time management.
- Perhaps someone is reading right now that has victory over a life controlling issue like an addiction.
- Other surrender stories could be financial, relationships, health, parenting, work related, ministry related, about food, pets, gadgets, the list could go on.
I’m not looking for professionals, I’m looking for real people with a story they want to share. These are folks that don’t need to worry about grammar or saying the perfect thing. They simply want to share their surrender story and hope at least one person can relate and be encouraged.
Does that sound like you? I hope so. Because I truly believe everyone qualifies.
To learn more about guest blogging right here, I invite you to read my invitation and sign up. It’s so easy, truly.