Sabbath Sunday: Waving a Flag but Not Living Free
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Sabbath Sunday: Waving a Flag but Not Living Free

Each Sunday I share my own nature picture with a thought about God’s love for you. July. Growing up there was that summer car commercial that sang, “Baseball, apple pie and Chevrolet.” July also is a month where freedom is a theme. In my living room is a world map of countries hostile against true…

Character Confession: Yes, I Really Glued my Fingers Together
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Character Confession: Yes, I Really Glued my Fingers Together

It’s my day to share a piece of my life through a meme called Character Confession.         Yes—I drew a parallel between our leaking, draining pool and my energy Yes—I’m proud of my child implementing a new mindset concerning their daily schedule Yes—I had a blast teaching the Clever Clams for VBS…

Two Years Later and They Are STILL Talking About This…
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Two Years Later and They Are STILL Talking About This…

It was two years ago July when I wrote a guest post for the site, Adding Zest to your Nest. This is a Christian site that encourages women in married se*uality. The contents might be uncomfortable for some and I absolutely understand that. What I won’t do is say it is wrong. I grew up…

So Many Places to Go: COTT Guest Post by Gail Pallotta
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So Many Places to Go: COTT Guest Post by Gail Pallotta

Guest post by Gail Pallotta Julie’s note: I’m part of the Clash of the Titles (COTT) blog alliance. Each week I feature an article from that site. COTT allows readers to choose their favorite snippet from their favorite authors…without knowing who their author is until after voting. Go visit them and learn more, voters are…