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Thankful: Enough by Gail Kittleson (GIVEAWAY OPPORTUNITY)

Gail Kittleson


“If the only prayer you ever pray is thank you, it is enough.” Meister Eckhardt


Enough—such a multidimensional word. The meaning changes with the person, and within our own lives, this word transforms, sometimes moment-to-moment. Culture, upbringing, spirituality, and general outlook alter in our concept of enough.

Once, during a particularly down time, I wandered through an eclectic second hand consignment store, and one wooden sign grabbed me. “You are enough.” Me? I sure didn’t feel like enough.

But in this month of Thanksgiving, it’s good to connect gratitude with enough in our personal season of life. If the South Carolina floods devastated one’s home, gratitude may erupt at having a warm place to sleep and food to eat. For others suffering health challenges, a new day with the sun peeping through the window may cause thankfulness.

This year, I’m especially thankful for my vocation. For its steadfastness, even when I didn’t have confidence to pursue it. I’m grateful for second chances for my writing to bloom. Specifically, I celebrate my debut novel’s release, and inclusion in a Christmas anthology. And another contract!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, my heart whispers—for the tenacity not to give up, though sorely tempted, for my gradually-developing skills that led to publication and for my patient husband, through so many rejections and pitfalls. Thanks for my daughter, who always listens and encourages, and for writing friends far and wide who commiserate, rejoice together, and make honest manuscript suggestions.

The list goes on … reflecting on these gifts makes giving thanks a no-brainer, as they say. I may be a late-bloomer, but I’m blooming. Thanks, thanks, thanks!

Julie’s note:

Because Gail is thankful, she’d like to do some giving!

I’d like to give away a kindle copy and an apron like the one my heroine wore to TWO people who comment on my writers’ FB page or on my website.


Our stories are our best gifts, and blooming late has its advantages—the novel fodder never ends. Gail writes from northern Iowa, where she and her husband enjoy gardening and grandchildren. WhiteFire Publishing released Gail’s memoir, Catching Up With Daylight in 2013, and her debut women’s historical fiction, In This Together (Wild Rose Press/Vintage Line) greets the world on November 18, 2015. Please feel free to contact her—meeting new reading friends is the frosting on her cake!

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Gail Kittleson
9 years ago

Thanks for having me here today, Julie. I love writing about gratitude, and today’s the perfect day for this.

June Foster
9 years ago

Gail, congratulations on the release of your new novel. You are a special friend and fellow author. I’d so proud of you.