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Saturday Confession: Scar Tissue


It’s been awhile since I’ve confessed, and Saturday is the day I do it. For new readers it’s not to air my laundry, it’s to encourage. Because there is one thing I know—the true defeated one likes us to think we’re the defeated ones. And if I can shed light on my struggles and surrender process, chances are you can relate. Together we can surrender together and find that freedom that I KNOW exists for us.

Yesterday I shared that my word for 2015 is revive. For whatever reason, God created me as a word picture girl. I learn best that way and remember better when I have a visual. This is the scenario He gave me.

Scar tissue.

I can hear Jimmy Fallon now.


But it works.

I had severe PCOS and in my reproductive years had multiple surgeries. Some were related to PCOS, some were C sections, one was a hysterectomy at age 38 to be functional because the pain was that bad. All good, legit reasons for surgery. They helped me.

But those good things gave me scar tissue.

And it took a surgeon to go in and clean me out. When he did, I was able to live at optimum health again.

Nothing horrific has come my way yet the scar tissue built. Some from grief or wounds I haven’t dealt with from years past. Some from stress. Some from awesome things that happened but I let life overwhelm and I didn’t deal with it as wisely as I could have.

So, scar tissue.

I believe 2015 for me is surrendering those areas, yes, the good, the bad, and—maybe one day—the chocolate. I want to live at the best place I can in body, mind and spirit.

And getting rid of the scar tissue for personal revival is just the thing.

Can you relate?

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