Introducing the 2012 Me
January is all about new beginnings so I thought I’d take today and expand a bit on who I am. I’m shocked and blessed to see more readers than ever, and my blog last year was hosted somewhere else and I lost all the content. So if you’re new, this is an opportunity to learn what this site is about. Been here awhile? Maybe you’ll discover something you didn’t know. Whatever the case, how about you introduce yourself in the comments? I’d love to get to know you.
- My real name is Juliann. My mom got it from insurance files because she worked at Prudential. So many people say it wrong and call me Julian that I go by Julie. Not even my husband calls me Juliann.
- I was born on Good Friday with tornado warnings in Upstate NY. That explains a lot about me.
- I remember writing when I was probably 4 years old. I’d scribble and scribble on blank papers, calling them my stories.
- I loved reading so much I’d memorize the books before I learned how to read and pretended I could read.
- I wanted to be a librarian.
- I believe I have the original BFF, a friend that has been in my life since kindergarten. We still each other when I’m in town and we can pick right up where we left off.
- I have one sister.
- I’ve been married 15 years and we’re taking a cruise in 2012 to celebrate.
- We used to live 7 miles from the Watkins Glen racetrack, for all you NASCAR fans.
- I have a BA in Communications. Although I loved broadcast journalism, I sound like a little kid and I’m too tender-hearted to interview people just for a news story.
- I spent ten years working for the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, RSVP. Senior citizens are an important part of my fiction writing
- I’m also open about my polycystic ovaries, PCOS. The situation was enough for my doctor to explain I would mo
st likely not have children on my own. I had a surgery that removed half of each ovary and learned they were 5 x the size of what they should have been. I believed God for kids, and we have 2.
- I’m a step-mom that loves to giggle and be goofy with them as much now as when they were 12 and 9.
- Chocolate? I used to eat M&M’s for breakfast.
- I’m not a crafty person. My mom and my daughter are. I’m no longer intimidated by my lack of craftiness.
- I’m a speed reader. I’m no longer afraid to say so.
- The hardest thing for me to surrender was fear. I was afraid of rejection. What others thought of me. Failing. Abandonment. Still afraid of snakes.
- I love public speaking and it comes easy for me. Small group speaking, that’s out of my comfort zone.
- My peace, aside from Christ, comes from the Adirondack Mountains.
- My WIP (Work-in-progress) is a contemporary romance based in the Adirondack Mountains.
- 2012 I believe is about justice, walking through doors of opportunity, and pulling down your destiny. I plan to keep on keeping on, going where God leads me, embracing rejection as promotion, closing my mouth no matter how much that zinger wants to fly, and staying thankful.
Your turn!
Praying with you, and for you.
A very happy new year to you and your family, Justice is definitely an important step for our society, i’m with you on that one for the year.