Thankful for Splickety
Well this was a day someone said they wanted to post and well, it didn’t work out. So you get me. But, I have something I think you will be thankful for.
I’m thankful for those opportunities that come and you never expected it. A couple months ago ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) held their annual conference and I was unable to go. Turns out there was an online conference not affiliated with ACFW, but featuring and offered to members. I checked it out and learned a lot. More than that, I won a prize. THANKFUL!
The prize was to have an editor take a look at one of my short stories. I sent in Tires and Windchimes, one of my favorite FaithWriters challenge entries. He was kind enough to say it was a polished piece in need of little editing (music to my ears) and would I be interested in having it featured in a new magazine he was creating.
Fast forward and the magazine is almost ready to launch. It’s called Splickety and the mission is—
to showcase high-quality short fiction from new writers, established authors, and everyone in between. Each issue will feature the very best flash fiction from our contributors for readers with short attention spans.
It’s also a platform for new authors to get published (and get paid for their submissions).
Ben Erlichman is the Executive Director for Splickety Magazine and he’s part of the Written World Communications gang. I think they have a great thing in the works and I’m THANKFUL for it. I thought I’d tell you about it and hope that you “like” them on FaceBook.
Want to submit a piece of your writing? Check the guidelines out here.
Stay tuned, more guest thankful posts on the way tomorrow.
“Each issue will feature the very best flash fiction from our contributors for readers with short attention spans.”
LOL Sooooo, the perfect magazine for me? haha
WOW! Julie – how exciting. CONGRATS! And what a fun sounding mag. Flash fiction is also great for the Sandwich Generation with only snippets of spare time for reading. I’ll have to check it out. Thank you! And again, congrats!
I’m leaving a comment—-to say no comment.
I got a peek at the other writers involved in the first issue and I’m sure you would be familiar with them. I think it’s a great venture, and I agree, perfect for the Sandwich Generation.
I appreciate your encouragement!