Fiction Friday: Faith, Hope and Love Again
Remember me? I haven’t hosted Fiction Friday since I don’t know when. I appreciate Karlene and the gang being patient with me as I tackled other writing projects.
If you are new, welcome! Fiction Friday is a time to showcase your fiction story. You don’t have to be published or do this as your day job. If you thought hey, I’d like to write a story and let others read it, well you found a great meme to share.
My story today is rough, but it’s an idea I’ve filed away for at least five years. My plan this first half of the year is to go through Susan May Warren and Rachel Hauck’s From the Inside…Out: Discover, Create and Publish the Novel in You! in order to develop this story. So excuse the rough draft, it’s like sandpaper!
Faith, Hope and Love Again
Chayni Lovell winced at the tabloid thrust at her nose. She didn’t need to unfold the pages to know the cover story was her own. The sour face woman tapped her foot, waiting for an answer. After a pregnant pause the woman unrolled the magazine to reveal Chayni’s own story. The circumstances were ten weeks old but the public became aware two weeks ago. The paparazzi had a new celebrity to mock and they were going to seize the moment and make everything about Chayni public fodder.
“That was a lifetime ago.” Chayni whispered, pushing the gossip rag back in her new landlord’s face. The woman’s gray eyes looked down at Chayni’s barely bloated belly.
“It’s this week’s paper, missy. Welcome home.”
The wooden door slam felt symbolic as the crotchety senior shuffled down the hall. Chayni leaned against the faded door willing the tears to stay. Even after two weeks of being the world’s cover story and top Twitter hash tag, the negativity still pierced.
Chayni stretched the denim waistband for relief around her rounding belly. Even in the time the public knew about her scandal and fall from grace the same jeans grew tight. Three weeks ago the jeans were a comfortable fit just as her relationship with the world. Twelve weeks ago her clothes were loose and she had no idea her recent secret choices would alter everything for and around her. It was a fast downward spiral.
This is the only way. The group is better off without me. Faith, Hope and Love couldn’t remain the darling Christian pop group with a single, pregnant lead singer and songwriter. Tour constraints hastened her leaving and her goodbyes with Faith Miller and Hope Walker were quick and businesslike. Chayni traced the parameters of the gift cards the tour promoter sent. No more hotel rooms or frequent air miles. Her time with a microphone in front of young girls hanging on her lyrics and proclaiming love for Chayni’s Jesus was gone. The finality if it all was starting to hit nausea wave after wave. A soft knock on the door distracted her escalating emotions.
“Chayni, its dad.”
Chayni created a breeze as she made her way back to the door. She twisted the old knob and started to cry as soon as she saw her dad’s arms ready to receive her.
“You’re home Chayni, it’s all that matters.” Chayni collapsed in relief as her dad allowed his only child to sob away the nightmare, or at least try.
“I made such a mess. Even the worst of the tabloid celebrities sent me flowers thanking me for taking them off the front page for a couple weeks.” Her words were muffled through her tears on her dad’s sweater but he nodded and rubbed her back.
“Someone else will take your place tomorrow. The concern now is getting you settled and back at church. There is a lot to talk about of course, but let’s just get you unpacked tonight.”
Chayni lifted her head and smiled. Her dad was always calm no matter how raging the storm. When his beloved passed away from ovarian cancer five years ago Jonathan Lovell remained a rock for his teen daughter. Months later when Chayni placed in a local talent show that put her on national TV he encouraged her, especially when the judges suggest she join with two other contestants who would fare better as a trio. The day her agent called to tell them Hope, Faith and Love’s debut album went gold and a tour was in the works, he cried tears of joy. If fear was anywhere in Chayni’s dad, only God would find it.
“I’m scared.” Chayni confessed. Jonathan released her and walked over to the stack of boxes that beat his daughter to her new apartment back in her native Youngstown.
“That’s a great place to start. You always did your best when you surrendered fear.” Chayni nodded, opening a box lid. It was funny how one word made such a difference, especially in light of the consequences called her new life.
Not too much more than three months before she surrendered to fear instead of surrendering fear itself.
Your turn!
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This is my new site, just a week old. Stay as long as you like. Subscribe, bookmark, follow…whatever option suits you, please do. I’m so glad you stopped by.
Welcome back, Julie!
Lots of emotions in this story.
It’s always good to know you can go home.
Oh Julie! SO good! I’m looking forward to more!!
I’m planning on linking up later… I’ve missed FF!
This was a good read–glad to see you in Friday Fiction again, Julie! The characters were soooo well done.