Surrender Story: It Isn’t About You, but Now It Is
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Surrender Story: It Isn’t About You, but Now It Is

This is one of those posts that isn’t fun to write because it takes me back to a time I didn’t love and of course, I don’t come out looking too great in it. But I know I’m supposed to share it, and I believe it will encourage someone out there. Our newlywed years weren’t…

Surrender to Prayer by Bruce Judisch
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Surrender to Prayer by Bruce Judisch

Being a seat-of-the–pants writer has its perks. Why? Because my characters are almost always several steps ahead of my keystrokes, often looking over their shoulders impatiently waiting for me to catch up. Little do they know the joke is on them. They don’t realize I’m writing into them my weaknesses—and, to be honest, also my…

Book Review: Come Empty by Saundra Dalton-Smith
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Book Review: Come Empty by Saundra Dalton-Smith

When a water vessel is filled with dirt and stones, it cannot be used to quench a thirst. But, when this vessel is emptied, there is an opportunity to fill it until it overflows with fresh, cool, life-giving water. Water that quenches. Refreshes. Soothes. Our souls are the same: filled with fear, doubt, and disappointment….

Book Review: This Means War by Stephen Kendrick, Alex Kendrick
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Book Review: This Means War by Stephen Kendrick, Alex Kendrick

You’ve got battles to fight—on your knees. The teen years can be tough; don’t try to make it through without one of your most powerful weapons—prayer. A companion book to the movie War Room, this new kind of journal will get you ready for a new kind of prayer life, one that’s strong, growing, and…