
Illuminate Happy New Year! Each year I pray for a word or theme that I can focus on. The Lord has been faithful, offering words that direct my prayer time, and in return, confirm things I had been praying about. Last year was shift, and that was dead on. I watched loved ones shift, some…

Finally Defrosting

Finally Defrosting

Happy Fall! It’s been a bit since I’ve been here and it sure isn’t for a lack of trying. First things first. If you read this in time, tonight I’ll be over at Maria’s Muses participating in Game Night. Last month I hosted and it was so much fun. This month I have a game…

This is 50

This is 50

I’m a little late, I had other blogging posts scheduled, but each year I try to write a birthday related post. Well this was a big one. 5-0. Fifty years. Or as one fellow 50 said, “I can’t believe we’re half a century year old.” That I wasn’t ready for. But overall, I’m ready for…