CD REVIEW: Out of the Dark by Mandisa #GIVEAWAY
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CD REVIEW: Out of the Dark by Mandisa #GIVEAWAY

Mandisa wrote her song “Overcomer” in 2013 to encourage her close friend Kisha, who was battling breast cancer. Mandisa really believed and prayed that God was going to heal her, but when Kisha went to be with Jesus in 2014, Mandisa’s foundation was shaken in a way she never expected. She fell into a deep…

Saturday Confession: That Face
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Saturday Confession: That Face

I’ve mentioned here and there that we have a child with what we deem minor special needs. Her first year was critical and much has stabilized. As she’s maturing, I’ve been preparing myself to watch for new things. Already lab results have changed and we have a new specialist to call. It would be easy…

Character Confession: One Letter Makes All the Difference
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Character Confession: One Letter Makes All the Difference

I thought I had a good grasp on compassion and understanding toward families with special need situations. Then we encountered seasons with our youngest where she was quite ill or not meeting developmental goals, and we entered the outer skirts as a family with unique needs. We still don’t have the minute to minute, day…

Character Confession: Happy to Teach the Professionals
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Character Confession: Happy to Teach the Professionals

Ah, the weekend. It’s a busy one for us. It’s for a good reason, so let me share.         Eight years ago tomorrow I watched my husband hold our daughter for the first time. It was a surreal planned c-section: the surgeon had music play and Bryan Adams “Everything I do, I…