Saturday Confession: Scar Tissue
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Saturday Confession: Scar Tissue

It’s been awhile since I’ve confessed, and Saturday is the day I do it. For new readers it’s not to air my laundry, it’s to encourage. Because there is one thing I know—the true defeated one likes us to think we’re the defeated ones. And if I can shed light on my struggles and surrender…

Saturday Confession: My True Self
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Saturday Confession: My True Self

I’ve been helping out with youth ministry the last few months and our pastor has been sharing a video series on issues that we need to get real about. Anger, guilt, that kind of thing. He said something that stuck out to me, that our true self comes out with our reaction to a stubbed…

Saturday Confession: I Surrendered the Fake and Got Real
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Saturday Confession: I Surrendered the Fake and Got Real

Apparently God’s got a theme for the season and it isn’t raking leaves and turkeys. It’s fake vs real. Masking vs transparency. Prison vs freedom. Not long ago I posted about My Fake Family. After that went live people started to comment about my necklace. I’d clutch it and blurt, “It’s fake. It’s a knock-off…

Saturday Confession: Outflanked
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Saturday Confession: Outflanked

Don’t Forget! I’m still looking for thankful submissions from YOU! Send me anything from a paragraph to 750 words on why you are thankful. Attach a bio and optional picture and send to me at I’ll publish them throughout November as part of the annual thankful series. Thanks! From Wikipedia: If a flanking maneuver…