Saturday Confession: I Thought I Was God’s Punchline
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Saturday Confession: I Thought I Was God’s Punchline

This has been a tough month. If it were only the government shutdown or healthcare issues. But it seems so much more, you know? My inbox has been fuller than usual with requests asking, “would you pray for me?” There have been jobs lost New diagnosis Family issues Relationship troubles and more. It wasn’t that…

Saturday Confession: Waiting on Medicine
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Saturday Confession: Waiting on Medicine

Ah, Saturday confession. The day where I share something I’m learning about myself, or recently mastered, and feel it’s time to share. So if that’s your issue, you don’t feel so alone. What’s new is that you’re welcome to link up. If you have a confession, share it. Let’s kick isolation to the curb once…

Saturday Confession: Sometimes I Say No to Prayer
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Saturday Confession: Sometimes I Say No to Prayer

Each Saturday I share a confession. Something I’ve learned from or am growing in. Nothing horrible, certainly not criminal, but a confession to show you. Hey, you aren’t alone. And if you want to share your confession and link up, I’ve made that possible, too. See the end of the post. While I have you,…

Saturday Confession: Sometimes I Walk Away
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Saturday Confession: Sometimes I Walk Away

It’s the second week of Saturday Confession—a weekly meme where bloggers are invited to link up and share their confessions in hopes of encouraging their readers (and meeting new readers!) And here’s my confession. Sometimes I walk away. I hate confrontation and I try to avoid it at all costs. But it happens, and when…