Celebrate the Holidays with Odyssey Adventure Club and FREE Content
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Celebrate the Holidays with Odyssey Adventure Club and FREE Content

Odyssey Adventure Club—What’s on your children’s Christmas wish list? As excited as they might be about that new toy, as every parent knows, the thrill of the gift will eventually wear off. Focus on the Family and Adventures in Odyssey have created the perfect gift for those who want to give their children or grandchildren…

More on November’s Don’t Miss This: Catch of a Lifetime by Candee Fick
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More on November’s Don’t Miss This: Catch of a Lifetime by Candee Fick

Earlier this month I rolled out a new feature called “Don’t Miss This.” I love reading as much as writing, and I love promoting books. With that, each month I’m going to feature a book I don’t want you to miss. This month is Catch of a Lifetime by Candee Fick. Reviews have been popping…

Thankful: Enough by Gail Kittleson (GIVEAWAY OPPORTUNITY)
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Thankful: Enough by Gail Kittleson (GIVEAWAY OPPORTUNITY)

Gail Kittleson   “If the only prayer you ever pray is thank you, it is enough.” Meister Eckhardt   Enough—such a multidimensional word. The meaning changes with the person, and within our own lives, this word transforms, sometimes moment-to-moment. Culture, upbringing, spirituality, and general outlook alter in our concept of enough. Once, during a particularly…

Saturday Confession: Marriage and the Dog Bone
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Saturday Confession: Marriage and the Dog Bone

Tucker is our not quite two year old, seventy-five pound chow lab. Although he’s losing some of that puppy mischief, that dog needs to chew. Needs to. And if he can’t find something of his, well, he’s going after something of ours. Lady unmentionables. Shoes. Stuffed animals. Those are his favorites. You get two confessions…