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What the Leaves Taught Me

I’ve done a bit of traveling this fall, and it didn’t take me long to lament regarding the lack of foliage I was seeing. In NE Ohio, rains started last August and were pretty steady for a solid year. Flooding was a real issue. When I finally got to mow the back section of our yard that had looked like a swamp, I got poison ivy, pink eye, and asthma. My doctor said the allergic reaction was his third that week, so many anxious to mow what had been wetlands for months on end.

When I drove to my hometown not long ago, I proclaimed the bright green leaves dotting Rte. 86 had to be the affect of so much rain.

Then I traveled to Pennsylvania through the Allegheny National Forest and again, the leaves left me unimpressed. It wasn’t rainy anymore, but unseasonably warm the last couple weeks. No rain. When neighbors mowed, they were kicking up dust. For a girl that lives for autumn and the vivid colors, it was affecting me. There were no crisp reds or bold yellows. I stood on a skywalk hundreds of feet long and high to capture pictures of dull, brown leaves.

Yesterday I returned from a quick trip to Wisconsin where I didn’t see a lot of foliage, but would you believe I saw snowflakes? It was a gusty, cold visit filled with fun, but even on the plane I thought to myself this is a fall I will not see one brilliant leaf.

Then I found myself back in Ohio driving locally today. A gorgeous, sunny day surrounded by color. The trees changed while we were away. The yellows! The reds! Brilliant! Vivid! The foliage I longed for was here after all.

I thanked God for the display and offered up a quick confession that I gave up pretty fast when it came to waiting for the fall colors. In the quiet, I saw in the trees some lessons. Here’s what I learned.

  1. The Stormiest of Seasons Don’t Last Forever. Those rains stopped, and color came to the trees. It wasn’t my time frame, I wouldn’t have had the rains last long, nor would I have waited so long for foliage. But I’m not God, and He knows best. We’re better for the storms, if we allow God to work in those times.
  2. Dry Seasons Still Carry Life. This year we’ve watched our Wisconsin family walk through not one, but many hard times. One thing I noticed while visiting them was their laughter. They have pain to be sure, but watching them laugh and enjoy each other, I knew they are doing the best they can for the season they are in. I believe showers of blessing are coming their way, even though the season has been like a desert experience.
  3. Waiting is worth it. I was ready to dismiss fall my very first trip. I certainly didn’t feel any better the second trip. It wasn’t until weeks later and returning from a third trip was I able to see the fall leaves in full display. How often do I pronounce the end of something when God’s only started? I’m so impatient. Honestly, if I were in charge of my life, I would not be married. The very week my now-husband was moving closer to be near me I got sick of the wait and tried to break up with him. He never got the message and refused to accept it when I told him about it. Giving up on those leaves that finally came and were so beautiful was a needed reminder to trust God and His timing.

Can you relate to what the leaves taught me? Feel free to share in the comments below, or tag me on social media where you can find me as @JulieArduini.


Speaking of leaves, the picture above comes from the real Speculator, NY in the Adirondack Mountains. My Surrendering Time Series is based on that area and are contemporary romances about surrendering grief, change, regret, and dreams for God’s plans. Check it out!

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