
COTT: The Salt Covenants by Sylvia Bambola


Clash of the Titles is excited to announce this year’s Olympia

Please congratulate:


*Kelly Goshorn

*Madelyn Herbert

*Mary Vaitkevicius-Vee




All three authors’ entries will go to our Round 3 judges:

Karen Ball, Becky Philpott, and Becky


The winner will be announced on April 8th!


And now, for our featured




“In her historical novel, The Salt Covenants, Sylvia Bambola paints a
masterpiece with words.” Micki Sorbello, artist and free lance


The Salt Covenants

by Sylvia Bambola


About the book:

“But these plans they have laid out for me like an embroidered rug, showing
me where my feet must travel, is to me an awful penance for sins I did not
commit.” –Isabel

Spain 1493: Millions of Jews are forced to convert to Christianity or flee
their homeland or die. Caught in this web is young Isabel, who has broken
her mother’s heart by her sincere conversion to Christ. But her conversion
is not enough to shield her from the eyes of the Inquisition, and in order
to save herself, she is forced to marry a man she does not love and flee to
a faraway land with Christopher Columbus on his second voyage. Here she
struggles to make a life in this wild new land, struggles to adjust to her
new faith, and struggles to find love. But how is she to survive? With all
the risks and hardships? And can she find love with the sophisticated
Antonio Villarreal who unexpectedly enters her world? And what of the
dangerous Enrique Vivar? Will his hidden agenda cost her her life?

Purchase Book



What others are saying:

“Bambola (Rebekah’s Treasure) elevates a simple historical tale into
something transcendent, in this beautifully written novel about a young
Jewish noblewoman, Isabel, who flees the Inquisition on Christopher
Columbus’s second voyage to the New World.” Publishers Weekly starred

“This is not a quick read, but Bambola (Rebekah’s Treasure) adeptly depicts
a time and place not often explored in Christian historical fiction. Her
theme of loss of ethnic culture suffered by the Jews and Native Americans
should resonate with readers. Isabel is a well-developed character living
in a cruel world, who never succumbs to becoming cruel herself. There may
be some crossover appeal to readers of Philippa Gregory and Alison Weir.”
Library Journal 1/1/15

“Bambola’s gift for storytelling in this work of historical fiction is
noting short of remarkable.” Sallie Yusko, pastor, founder of Women of
Worth and Destiny, conference speaker and writer

“In her historical novel, The Salt Covenants, Sylvia Bambola paints a
masterpiece with words.” Micki Sorbello, artist and free lance writer

What COTT voters had to say:

–It’s been a long time since I’ve read anything set during the Spanish
Inquisition. I would LOVE to get my hands on this book. 🙂
this looks very interesting!
–I really love the cover of “The Salt
Covenants”! I have a thing for beaches and the model really makes an
eye-catching cover. Plus the book description sounds really unique.
–I love books that touch the heart. By Chapter 3, I cried about the
injustice of the Inquisition period. Sylvia must have spent hours
researching the data given. Excellent and spell-binding !
–Sylvia is
a very talented author. Her books are ones you don’t want to put down.
–Sylvia this sounds fascinating.
–I totally enjoyed this book. I
hated to put it down and was sorry when I reached the end. Great Job
–This is a fantastic book. Very impressed with this author!
Well written as she takes you along the journey of the Inquisition and
travels to the new world. Highly recommended!
–Sylvia your next book
looks wonderful!!!
–Historical fiction is a challenge for an author
to fit the characters to the time in a believable manner.. Sylvia Bambola
does it!
–I’m sure God has given each of you such talent that you are
pleased to share with us. However, I based my vote on the novel historicity
displayed in The Salt Covenants. Rosie
–Your novels are always well
researched and address interesting issues. This one is of particular
interest to me because of the time period…amaangela
ingenious, captivating…your books always take me With them! Looking
forward to going on the Salt Covenant journey.

A moment with Sylvia:

What is the one take-way you’d like to leave your readers?

Answer: Well, there’s actually two. The first is that forgiveness is
paramount. Both getting it and giving it. Without it we will never heal
those deeply buried wounds. The other thing is that as Christians we must
not allow history to repeat itself. The ill-treatment of Jews by the Church
and the rabid anti-Semitism during the Spanish Inquisition was troubling.
But now that anti-Semitism is once again rearing its ugly head, we,
Christians, must take a stand against it, as well as to stand with God’s
chosen people.

What do you find most challenging about being a writer:

Answer: For me, the most challenging thing is the marketing. I’m not a fan.
But I do it. I suspect that’s a problem with most writers. Still, I’d like
to be like Jessica Fletcher in Murder She Wrote, whose only responsibility
(regarding writing) seemed to be to write novels while someone in the
background handled all the p.r. and marketing for her. I guess one can


About Sylvia:

Born in Romania, Sylvia Bambola lived her early years in Germany. At seven
she relocated with her adopted family and saw the Statue of Liberty and
America for the first time. But the memory of those years in post World War
Germany inspired her to write Refiner’s Fire, which won a Silver Angel
Award, and was a Christy Finalist. Her frequent moves as an “army brat”
gave her an opportunity to see America and fall in love with her new
country. Bambola has authored seven novels, has two grown children, teaches
women’s Bible studies, and is learning the guitar.

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