Where Your Help Comes From
I admit it’s easy for me to get caught up with the gloom and doom the news brings. To wake up and learn gas prices are up forty cents a gallon since last month (and maybe even in the last two weeks) and experts believe it is and always be tied in to unrest in the Middle East, it’s their job to make you believe that.
But it isn’t true.
It’s also easy when these things happen to throw all our energies into communicating with our political representatives. Although I love the democratic process and believe they need to hear from us, I’m done throwing all my energies that direction.
This year we have a chunk of this year and even a little bit of next year mapped out. We’ve always been budget conscious but these plans demand so much self control and obedience from us. The extra issues from current events only makes those plans all the more important.
I’m tempted to act in fear. Write the president and beg him to do something to make the gas increases go away. Worry. Fret. Get obsessed with that budget.
But that isn’t where my help comes from.
It isn’t where your help comes from, either.

Our help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and Earth. When I start feeling anxious about the things I see around me I remember faith is trusting in what I can’t see. I put my energies into believing not just in God my Provider but believing Him. Instead of uttering anxious prayers that are really my personal to do list, I’m speaking life. I’m proclaiming in Jesus’ name what I know to be true and what I believe in Him to help during these shaky times.
Lord, You are our help, our Creator. Not one thing happens without Your knowledge and approval and all things are done in Sovereignty with bringing glory to Your name. Evil plans and worldly agendas bow to You and are carried out only because You have a greater purpose in mind. You are our help. You are Jehovah Jireh, our great provider. Lord, when we’re nervous about gas prices and budgets help us turn first and always to You. May these uncertain times be a season where people who are lukewarm or against You turn to You for a permanent and intimate relationship. Give us strategies that meet needs and give us opportunity to tell others about You. Fill the leaders like our president with Your wisdom. Help us be a nation that models You, Lord. In Jesus’ name we believe You have always been and will always be the One in control. Believing You are giving those that love and know You a peace that passes all understanding. Thank You for being Our Source. In Jesus’ name, Amen.