Happy Thanksgiving from Julie Arduini

Happy Thanksgiving from Julie Arduini

As I’m typing, my phone notifies that a probable terrorist attack occurred at the Niagara Canada/US Rainbow Bridge border. I can’t help but wonder was that really their destination? Were they heading somewhere bigger, especially with Thanksgiving? How can we be thankful with those kind of thoughts and realities swirling around? The last three years…

Thankful: Walking in Favor by Joy Chickonoski
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Thankful: Walking in Favor by Joy Chickonoski

Walking in Favor   I used to think walking in God’s favor meant walking in the fulfillment of my dreams. The problem, I am a visionary, hating status quo  and relentlessly in  pursuit heaven on earth. No matter how many answered prayers I experience the unfulfilled ones made a larger impact; it left me feeling…

Second Verse Not Quite the Same as the First
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Second Verse Not Quite the Same as the First

I can’t help it but I have the song “I’m Henry the Eighth I am” in my head. Specifically, the part where Peter Noone shouted out, “Second Verse, Same as the First.” I noticed the last two years there are life events popping out that look really familiar. It’s almost like Groundhog Day with Bill…