COTT: Gail Pallotta Interviews Winter Author Kevin Newsome
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COTT: Gail Pallotta Interviews Winter Author Kevin Newsome

Clash of the Titles Congratulates Keven Newsome, author of Winter  and winner of the Comparable Cover/ Book Blurb Clash! One of the commenters at Clash of the Titles said, “Just finished Winter, loved it.” About Winter: We’re all freaks. It’s just a matter of perspective. Winter Maessen didn’t ask for the gift of prophecy. She’s…

Marriage Monday: Especially in a Cri$i$
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Marriage Monday: Especially in a Cri$i$

It’s Marriage Monday! Join e-Mom as she blogs today about money and marriage. When you complete your post, link up so we can enjoy your post, too. I “Googled” how many times money was mentioned in the Bible. Depending on the version, it’s a safe guess to say over 100. It’s important. One of the…

Character Confession: The Blessed Infertility Patient Named Me
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Character Confession: The Blessed Infertility Patient Named Me

This is a re-post from May 2011, the Saturday before Mother’s Day. Tomorrow can range in several scenarios.  I remember as a kid riding down a country road seeing a woman pushing a lawnmower. She looked hot and tired and what I remember the most was who was watching—a man I guessed to be her…

UBP12: Tell Me You Love Chocolate
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UBP12: Tell Me You Love Chocolate

      Oh, yay! You’re here. Come in, come in. Don’t worry about what you look like. This blogger surrendered worrying about what others think for a few years now. Trust me, you look fabulous. Tell me you love chocolate. You  have to. I love teaching the Made to Crave Bible study whether online…