Character Interview: Until There Was You by Kimberly Rose Johnson
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Character Interview: Until There Was You by Kimberly Rose Johnson

Julie’s note: Hopefully by now you’ve read that I’m part of a Christmas boxed set that I’m so excited about. What you might not know is that Kimberly Rose Johnson was the one with the idea. Late last year she asked the authors at Inspy Romance if there was any interest, and the rest is…

Entrusted Chosen as one of the “Top Picks in Romantic Reads for 2014”
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Entrusted Chosen as one of the “Top Picks in Romantic Reads for 2014”

This is the little book that could. Years ago when I walked around the real Speculator I envisioned writing out a story and handing it off to friends via my word processor. Yep, it was a long time ago. I didn’t think about publishing or becoming an author. The fear of rejection was too great….