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Sabbath Sunday: Unexpected Snow in Spring

It’s Sabbath Sunday! This is a day where I take my own amateur nature picture and share it with a word or two about God’s love for you. I took this picture the last week of March where the calendar had in bold it was Spring. I’m a literal person and both my kids have…

Sabbath Sunday: Unexpected Snow in Spring
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Sabbath Sunday: Unexpected Snow in Spring

It’s Sabbath Sunday! This is a day where I take my own amateur nature picture and share it with a word or two about God’s love for you. I took this picture the last week of March where the calendar had in bold it was Spring. I’m a literal person and both my kids have…

#UPB11: Join this Charlie in a Box from Misfit Island with Ultimate Blog Party 11
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#UPB11: Join this Charlie in a Box from Misfit Island with Ultimate Blog Party 11

Welcome!  I’m posting a little early because I need to post again as I’m hosting Fiction Friday. Whether you find me early, on April 1 or during the first week of April, I’m so glad you’re here.  This is the Ultimate Blog Party ’11 where moms across the world are posting and linking back. It…

WFW: Never, Ever Give Up
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WFW: Never, Ever Give Up

Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality. Romans 12:12, The Message This is my post for Word Full Wednesday.  Take your Bible verse and image and post on your blog….

Faithful Bloggers Group Writing Project: That Saturday
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Faithful Bloggers Group Writing Project: That Saturday

This post is part of a group writing project Courtney is hosting at Faithful Bloggers. Anyone wishing to can write on a verse/topic regarding Jesus’ death, burial or resurrection and then share a link in her comment section. Matthew 27 (verse from BibleGateway.com) The Guard at the Tomb 62 The next day, the one after…