Character Confession: The Sparkly Gift
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Character Confession: The Sparkly Gift

To say I had a low self-esteem as a young adult would be an understatement. I didn’t feel worthy of love for a few reasons, and would complain when I observed what I thought were high-maintenance girlfriends demanding flowers and chocolates from my friends, their boyfriends. I thought so little of myself I remember uttering…

The Dandelion Perspective
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The Dandelion Perspective

I remember blogging briefly about the dandelion before, but the visual and application keeps coming back to me, so I thought instead of exercising (I will later, promise!) I would expand on it. Our youngest has loved dandelions since she could walk. Each year she’d gather them and present them as bouquets. Often she’d leave…

Book Review: Leaving Egypt—Finding God in the Wilderness Places
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Book Review: Leaving Egypt—Finding God in the Wilderness Places

I wasn’t sure if the Amazon Vine Program would be worth my time, but already I’m enjoying the fruits of my choices. Today is no exception. I chose Leaving Egypt: Finding God in the Wilderness Places simply based on the title. My own wilderness story changed everything about me, and when I was in that…

Marriage Monday: Especially in a Cri$i$
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Marriage Monday: Especially in a Cri$i$

It’s Marriage Monday! Join e-Mom as she blogs today about money and marriage. When you complete your post, link up so we can enjoy your post, too. I “Googled” how many times money was mentioned in the Bible. Depending on the version, it’s a safe guess to say over 100. It’s important. One of the…

Sabbath Sunday: New Morning
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Sabbath Sunday: New Morning

            This is the day where I share my own amateur nature picture with a thought or two on God’s love. The day started with high hopes. Busy day. Within 40 minutes, nothing was going the way it was supposed to. I assigned blame and stewed in frustration most of…