Book Review: As We Forgive by June Foster
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Book Review: As We Forgive by June Foster

Leave a comment on this review for a chance to be entered into the As We Forgive Blog Tour Giveaway.  Our prize pack includes two sets of handmade cards (one monogrammed, one miscellaneous cards) A San Juan Island Pendant, and a Amazon Gift Certificate for $10.00.   Visit June’s Blog ( for more chances to enter…

Sabbath Sunday: Full of Fog with Glimpses of Beauty
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Sabbath Sunday: Full of Fog with Glimpses of Beauty

Each Sunday I post my own amateur nature picture with a thought or two about God’s love for you. This isn’t the best picture, but it’s a typical fall morning. Full of fog with glimpses of beauty. Is that where you are today? Can’t figure out the literal season you are in–unable to even take…

Character Confession: New Marching Orders
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Character Confession: New Marching Orders

I wear a few hats in what makes me “me.” One I don’t write too much about but takes a big chunk of my life is an intercessor. Someone who prayerfully stands in the gap. Prayer Warrior. I’m always “on duty,” getting nudges during conversations, sermons, during a deep sleep, or in the shower. But…

Interview with Author Janice Thompson about Her Book, Queen of the Waves
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Interview with Author Janice Thompson about Her Book, Queen of the Waves

One of my favorite authors is Janice Thompson. I’m used to her comedic writing voice, and I’ve learned a lot from her. However, her newest release, Queen of the Waves, is serious and set on the Titanic. In her interview she talks about the unique way she and others, including myself, journeyed through that ill-fated…

It’s That Time of Year—Looking for YOUR THANKFUL Posts!
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It’s That Time of Year—Looking for YOUR THANKFUL Posts!

I’ve been blogging since December 31, 2006. I believe that first November I started writing each day why I was thankful. November 2008 I decided to ask readers to take over my blog the month of November, sharing their thankful thoughts. You’ve been at it ever since. I love it because I have no idea…

Sabbath Sunday: Simply Put
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Sabbath Sunday: Simply Put

Each Sunday I share an amateur nature picture of mine with a few thoughts about God’s love for you. Are you a praying person? Have you answered the call to be a prayer warrior or an intercessor? It’s not an easy assignment. In fact, without proper perspective, it can be crushing. Your job is to…