Michael W. Smith: Sovereign CD Giveaway + #skyspillsover video
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Michael W. Smith: Sovereign CD Giveaway + #skyspillsover video

This year I’ve been blessed to not only participate in book reviews, but movie and music reviews, too. Today I’m able to share with you Michael W. Smith’s video Sky Spills Over. Here’s what he had to say: “I’m really passionate about the song SKY SPILLS OVER. It was fun creating it in the studio…

Saturday Confession: I’m Just Going to Shake…
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Saturday Confession: I’m Just Going to Shake…

It’s a line, or close to it, to Taylor Swift’s “Shake it Off.”  I’m not a big fan of hers but I have to say, this one got me. No matter what role I play—mom, ministry worker, author…I get stuff like everyone else. It’s easy to get bogged down with it all. Enough that we…