Sabbath Sunday: Simply Put
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Sabbath Sunday: Simply Put

Each Sunday I share  an amateur nature picture of mine with a few thoughts about God’s love for you. Are you a praying person? Have you answered the call to be a prayer warrior or an intercessor? It’s not an easy assignment. In fact, without proper perspective, it can be crushing. Your job is to…

Character Confession: When It’s Not Fair
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Character Confession: When It’s Not Fair

Is it just me, or do things seem extra oppressive lately? Seems at every turn I’m hearing heartbreaking news: a homeless child a little boy with a terminal disease a faith-filled man with cancer marriages crumbling unemployment loss of insurance violence There are no easy answers when we learn of these things. Oh, you’ll hear…

When You’re One in a Million
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When You’re One in a Million

You know the toothpaste commercials—4 out 0f dentists. Or the fine print on contests stating the chances of winning–1 out of 1,000,000. How about the odds they give for side effects during medical procedures? 1 out of 10,000 will experience… I realized years ago I’m always going to be that “One in…” and it will…

Character Confession: I Don’t Feel Like Dancing
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Character Confession: I Don’t Feel Like Dancing

Around late July I can feel the music cueing up. My feet start tapping. I’m humming the tune. The Kids-Go-Back-to-School-Hallelujah Song. By August I usually proclaim that on that first day of school, I will be dancing. One year I think I even said I’d be doing so on top of a table.    …