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Better Late Than Never: Marriage Monday & Overcoming Boredom and Apathy in Marriage

I missed the actual Marriage Monday e-Mom hosted, but it’s a great topic and I thought I’d use today to talk about it. She used a quote of mine regarding boredom and apathy in marriage that still rings true. Check out her post to see what I said.

Monday's topic was overcoming boredom and apathy

I wish I had a lot of wise things and suggestions to share on this topic. e-Mom’s post is terrific, but the statement about reserving 15 hours a week for play jarred me. For those that have young children or even teens, this seems impossible. Perhaps it is. But let’s not throw out the whole idea. I know I can be all or nothing, and I think if I go nothing on this idea, our marriage misses out.

e-Mom wrote that when her kids were younger they reserved two nights a week for things to do that were just for them. She emphasizes no matter what stage you are in, spending time with your husband doesn’t have to be about money.

My husband and I just returned from a once in a lifetime cruise. Just us. Yes, it was divine. We’ve only been back a few days and the vacation seems months behind us. He puts a minimum of 40 hours in a week, often more. He’s involved with our church’s Passion Play and that’s in high gear.  We have two kids who need our encouragement and time. I write and mentor. There are bills to pay, dogs to walk, chores, you get it. You live it, too.

So how do we overcome boredom and apathy?

Be intentional.

Get out the smartphones (we are a techie family) and put something on the calendar. We love movies. With Red Box, expense shouldn’t be an excuse. We sometimes watch Turner Classic Movies together. I have a couple marriage books we haven’t tackled. Perhaps setting aside time to read those is in order. It’s a mild winter here.  We should at the very least take a walk once or twice a week as a couple.

We took a belated 15th anniversary cruise last week

Will we get in 15 hours a week together, especially in this Passion Play season?

Probably not. I’m being honest.

Although my life is all about surrender, here is something I won’t surrender to: boredom and apathy in marriage.

What about you?

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12 years ago

So glad you and your husband enjoyed your cruise.

12 years ago

Awesome! Love your attitude, Julie. You two are doing what it takes: being intentional.

And thanks for sharing your cruise with us!

Hugs, e-Mom @ Chrysalis