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Another Pruning

It was around Memorial Day I said goodbye to a ministry I have loved serving with—youth. I will champion for teens louder and longer than any age group, and that includes my own.

To live a surrendered and free life in Christ is uncomfortable at times. If I did things my way, I’d be in youth until they locked me out. But I want that ministry to thrive, and that means I had to be obedient.

My time for this season is with Women’s Ministry and it has seen growth and transition in a way I’ve had to focus on this more than other things.

Now to bookend the summer holidays, Labor Day time is when I just said goodbye to a ministry I’ve been involved in for maybe 15 years? All I know is I think the founder and I were the only ones left from the remaining team.

Christians Read is a blog comprised of Christian authors sharing devotionals, thoughts, book reviews, writing projects and more. When I started blogging there I wasn’t published. My child I believe was about to start school. I have ten published books and that child is a junior in college. God has been good.

Again, it would be easy to stay with it. I blog every other Friday, how hard is that? Well, honestly, it has been hard. I’ve felt for a while it was a time to let go and trust God has something better for those readers.

John 15:5 comes to mind because it makes no sense. How can I bloom if I keep getting trimmed back? I’ve seen the answer play out in my roses. When I prune them, they come back so much better. A beautiful bounty and an even better fragrance.

I want my life to be a beautiful fragrance to God. If I held on to my wants, it might look good to the world, but I’d be disobedient. And that’s a garbage stench to my Heavenly Father.

With these changes, not only can I devote energy to the women that they deserve, but I am also starting to have time to write. I’m way behind in Building Hearts, Evan Hart’s story in Surrendering Hearts #3.

I also joined a multi-author small-town romance novella project with release dates in 2025 and 2026. I am so excited about this, and you’ll hear more as the project comes closer. God has poured so many ideas and puzzle pieces together that I can’t wait to dive in.

Obedience is a life-long choice. I’d love to tell you it comes easy and I have it all perfected. The truth is I lament, drag my feet, and at times whine. But I’ve been around long enough to testify there is nothing sweeter than yielding to God’s plan. His ways are perfect and I trust Him.

You can read my last Christians Read post HERE.

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Peggy Ellis
Peggy Ellis
19 days ago

Julie, be encouraged with your change to women’s ministry. I’ve noticed more and more attention is given to children and youth, and certainly they need it. However, women need “to be fed” on a consistent basis, and you’re just the woman to fill that need!