An Unexpected Christmas Gift by Janette Fudge Messmer

The idea for An Unexpected Christmas Gift (my latest novel) came to me because my hubby and I owned a bed and breakfast. When I remember how the story of our B&B journey began, it is actually quite humorous.
Some of you may have read my first novel, Early Birds. In it, I talked about Rose Wilford getting the cart before the horse. In this circumstance, we did it. We’re in Montrose, Colorado less than an hour, and we spied this unique home. Four hours later we bought it.
The second I saw it, I shouted, “Look, there’s a B&B, and it’s for sale.” We called the realtor, saw the house, met the previous owner, and made a deal on it. The only problem – we purchased it before the sale of our auto repair business was final.

Thankfully, forty-five days later, we signed the papers on both places. Friends and family helped us pack up and move to the western slope. We were quite the caravan going down I-70. Instead of the Clampetts, we were the Messmers.

In August of 1999, the Rusty Moose Bed & Breakfast opened its doors. We’d never owned a B&B, but with our background in customer service, we made it work. Hubby cooked (thank the Good Lord), and I served breakfast to our customers.
Ray teased me that I could retell the same story when new guests arrived every few days, and I did. But what we thought was the coolest part of owning a B&B, it was meeting the people who had made reservations.
One evening we’re sitting on the porch with two couples—one from England, the other from Alabama, and us. Ray and I were totally baffled by the conversation. Our nodding seemed to satisfy them. The other four appeared to understand each other perfectly.
Another time, a family came down for breakfast. Everyone seemed to enjoy their meal, and the mini muffins we’d added to the menu were a big hit. I didn’t know how much until I overheard one sister tell the other, “I ate fourteen of those mini muffins. Yes, I did.”
After they went upstairs, I told Ray the story and said, “We’ll be making more mini muffins for tomorrow.” The next day arrived, and the same young lady bragged at the end of it, “Today I ate twenty-one.” We still laugh about that one when we make little muffins.
One more story. We also housed overflow guests when the hotels sold out. One evening a man and his wife came in. They’d never stayed at a B&B before, and the man asked me, “You just let people stay here that you don’t know?” I smiled, “Yes, but I keep a butcher knife under my pillow in case someone gets out of hand.”
The look on that man’s face was priceless. I quickly added, “No, I don’t have a knife hidden anywhere. I trust that the Lord will protect us.” On their way out the next morning, the man said, “Thank you. Our stay has been wonderful. You sold us on B&Bs.” You’re very welcome, sir!!!

Oh my goodness, I have to tell you another story. A couple stayed with us, and two months later, we received Rusty in the mail (see above photo). The gentleman said, “This is what you look like after you’ve served all of your bed and breakfast guests.” And he wasn’t kidding. We were tuckered out. FYI: We have Rusty in our RV, and it reminds of us of our wonderful guests.
In the almost three years of owning the Rusty Moose Bed and Breakfast, we welcomed visitors from all over the United States and the world. What an absolute joy. And, oh, we loved everyone who stayed with us.
However, because of 9/11, we had to close down and get real jobs. We rented the property to a girl’s home for a few years, and then they bought it. It’s funny, since we’ve retired, we’ve talked about opening up another one. Maybe one of these days, when we’re done RVing. For now, I’ll write a novel about one.
Here is the cover and back cover copy of An Unexpected Christmas Gift. Enjoy!
Breanna Snow owns the Snowed Inn B&B outside of Boulder, Colorado. And the city manager, Matthew Jacobson, is irritating the socks off of her. The Go-By-The-Book-Kind-Of-Guy wants to shut her bed and breakfast down. And Bree has no clue why.
But she doesn’t have time for Mr. Jacobson’s nonsense. She’s getting married. However, a tiny hiccup occurs while she’s trying on her wedding dress. It literally turns her world upside down. And to her dismay, the city manager is right in the middle of it.
Will the mortal enemies find a way to work things out before her B&B closes? Or will they die trying to find the truth and Breanna’s “happily ever after?”
Penwheels, thank you for helping authors get the word out. And for all of you who stopped by and read about An Unexpected Christmas Gift. For the month of December it is .99 cents on Amazon. Hope everyone have a Happy Holiday Season!!!

Turning Life into Comedy is Janetta Fudge Messmer’s tagline. The genre she writes in is Christian Comedy (with a touch of Romance). Janetta also writes devotionals since life on the road in a camper gives her plenty of material. When she’s not writing, she teaches classes on how to “Tell Your Story.” The inspiration for the class came when she asked her mother questions about her life. Janetta, her hubby (Ray), and their pooch (Maggie) are full-time RVers. Most days, you’ll find them out sightseeing…but first Janetta has to sit down and write a few words.