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Crossroads: A Study of Esther and Jonah by Jodie Niznik

Discover how to live out your unique calling from an unlikely biblical pairing

At first glance, Esther and Jonah don’t have much in common. Esther is an orphan girl, out of place in royal courts, who nonetheless becomes queen and saves her beloved Jewish people. Jonah is a reluctant prophet who ran as hard as he could from God. And when he finally gave in and his efforts eventually saved his enemies, he did nothing but complain.

While Esther and Jonah endured wildly different circumstances and had distinctly singular callings, they were both appointed by God. They were placed in a certain time and space in history. God carried them through unique experiences and gave them specific gifts. Despite their opposite attitudes of willingness, their lives are proof of the great things we can accomplish when we follow God’s call.

In this nine-week inductive Bible study, Jodie Niznik invites you to learn that you too are uniquely equipped and called by God for a particular assignment in a specific time and place. Now you stand at a crossroads, and the choice is yours. Will you choose to boldly respond like Esther or will you fight your calling like Jonah? With thoughtful questions and practical exercises, Niznik will gently help you examine your life through the lens of Scripture and take brave, bold steps forward into the life you long for!

Crossroads is a great Bible study taking two different people and books from the Bible and creating a thought-provoking experience. I don’t know why I never considered the two in a study before, as they both were called to do hard things for God’s Kingdom. The author goes through each book and brings new life to familiar Bible stories that also includes questions for further review. For instance, I never considered Esther’s experience a trafficking situation, but those girls weren’t allowed any freedoms while the king chose his new queen.

Both Jonah and Esther are great looks into boldness and obedience and this study provides a great vehicle to learn, draw closer to God, and move into the calling He has for you. I definitely recommend.

I received a copy of Crossroads in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are not my own, and I was not compensated.

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