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Where Do You Come From?

Earlier this month I traveled back to my hometown and looked at photos, furniture, and paperwork from years gone by. I loved that she labeled things so the history and origin was right there. There were memories of going to the drug store with the Green Stamp book, and she still has them. Sewing patterns that cost mere cents, and were the source of all our clothes. Ah, memories!

Years ago I remember creating a post about where I came from. Something to get to know me better. I realize there are new readers since then, so I thought I’d update. I’d love for you to share, too! Where do you come from? Drop me your answers at juliearduini@julieardui.com, or tag me @JulieArduini on social media, including SnapChat!

Where I Come From

I come from Corning Glass and Market Street. Watkins Glen and NASCAR. Corning East Trojans and the Gibson bus.

I come from pop in bottles, Polaroids, barrettes with strings and beads.

I come from preppy, turned up collars, neon, leg warmers, and acid washed jeans.

I come from John Boy Walton, Ponch and Jon, Frank and Joe, Growing Pains, Full House, Little House on the Prairie.

I come from tag, Marco Polo, Cowboys and Indians, watergun fights and night swims.

I come from Mayberrys’, Woolworths, Hudson Shoes, Crystal City Bakery and McDonalds.

I come from “Thriller,” “Like a Virgin,” “Hangin’ Tough” and “Dancing Queen.”

I come from disco, hair bands, girl groups and boy bands.

I come from Rocky, Rambo, Han Solo, The Terminator, Sixteen Candles, and The Breakfast Club

I come from blizzards and below freezing, snow women, snow balls and snow forts.

I come from wiffleball, sledding, and growing up with neighbors.

I come from patched clothes, hand-me-downs, and wishing from the JCPenney catalog.

I come from riding bikes, skipping rocks, and finding minnows.

I come from remembering Reagan being shot, the Challenger, and where I was on 9/11.

How about you?


Speaking of beginnings, my writing started in those days. My room, the back of the school bus, in class. My first published book remains my baby, and I’d love for you to check it out!

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