New Year, New Ideas

Those not in the writing world are often surprised to learn writing is only a part of the author’s life. A big part of our time is spent marketing our work. One way to spread awareness about our name and books is through blogging.
Not only do I blog here, with Christians Read and Inspy Romance, but I also serve as a guest blogger for other author websites. We tend to use the same online sign-up sheet, Sign Up Genius.
For 2019, I thought it would be fun for you to get to know guest bloggers on a new level. I created themes for their guest posts, and I thought I would share them today. By the way, guest bloggers don’t have to be welcome. If you meet the guidelines, you can sign up here. I’d love to have you!
TRUMPET TUESDAYS—This is a day where authors promote their new releases. I love featuring this because I know firsthand that books are our babies. They take so much time. So. much. time. I love helping readers find new books and authors. I think this is a perfect way to do that.
THROW BACK THURSDAYS-–This gives authors an opportunity to share an older release. Any free marketing an author can create, we’re all for it. Very few authors have the income to throw money at whatever publicity exists. We have to be choosy, and while we’re writing our next project, we don’t want anyone to miss or forget our other works. This is a great way to help you discover great authors and their books.
FRI-YAY FRIDAYS—This is where guest bloggers can share a praise, a devotional thought, any good news that would inspire and encourage.
Like I said, if you aren’t an author but you want to share a post here, please do! If your thoughts don’t line up with the above themes, that’s okay, there are other days of the week I didn’t list. Contact me at and let me know your idea. Again, read the guidelines to make sure we’re on the same page. Bottom line, don’t try to write a spam post.
I’m excited. I hope you are, too.