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The Captivating Truth, Part 2

Did you miss the first part of my captivating story? Read that first HERE.

I was driving down a main road that had a hill that eclipsed the landscape. I reached the top of that hill and saw the most glorious sunset. Orange. Full. At the time flip phones were the thing and I tried to capture the gorgeous scene. I held onto that picture until the phone died.

But that wasn’t all.

Later that evening I visited a bike trail based near a working farm. Usually the trail was busy, but it was just me. I felt like Cinderella. Ducks came near. Then bunnies. Squirrels. Then deer. It was quiet and absolutely beautiful. I felt so overwhelmed with God’s love for me that I cried. I knew that sunset was for me. And so was this nature scene.

God created women to be captivating. From the moment we twirl our skirts as little girls asking if we’re pretty to those teen years when the temptations to follow choices like I did to try to fill that gap, we long to believe we are captivating. If we aren’t given that truth in our early years, we’ll find the answers on our own in false ways. It breaks my heart to see so many girls and even women chase after things that I know will never close that circle.

Being captivating comes from our Heavenly Father. He poured that into us at creation. No drink, no man, no cookie can fill that longing. And once I embraced that God found me captivating, everything changed.

Like any marriage, we had our mountains and valleys. In a particularly tough valley, he uttered the words I was certain early on he would say and that he’d see me for who I thought I was and walk away. The words hurt. But even as he uttered them, I was filled with peace. I knew right then if we are over, I’m going to be okay. Jesus is my husband, and He has my back. He goes before me. He is at my side. He surrounds me.

I knew I was captivating, and that I’d be okay.

Thank God, our marriage survived that season. I’ve had so many captivating moments through the years, and you probably have as well. When snow looks like diamonds? That’s God showing off for you. Rainbows. Sunsets. Sunrises. Those beautiful scenes that take your breath away? That’s for you. You are so loved. You always were.

As I zoom in on 50, I am back struggling with weight. The true defeated one comes at me with my looks. Sometimes I listen. But overall, I’m not that broken little girl anymore. Menopause may be a beast for me, but I’m still captivating. I’m worth everything. How do I know? God sent Jesus to earth knowing He’d be nailed to a cross. For me. For you.

Because you are captivating.



To this day, I’m breathless at the sight of a brilliant sunset. The kids tease me for wanting that perfect shot. If you’re a visual person, I’m on Instagram where I love taking nature pictures. They are never on a fancy camera, always whatever phone I have. They are God’s masterpieces, His artwork. Feel free to follow me to see for yourself.

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