Book Review: Cold-Case Christianity for Kids by J. Warner and Susie Wallace

Between the ages of 8 and 12, kids often start to wonder if Christianity is true. In Cold-Case Christianity for Kids, detective J. Warner Wallace draws readers into the thrill of high-stakes investigation by showing them how to think rather than telling them what to think. In this children’s companion to the bestselling Cold-Case Christianity, detective Wallace gets kids exicted about testing wistnesses, examining the evidenece, and investiagting the case for Christiatnity. Includeds author illustrations and links to a website ( where kids can download activities, fill in case notes, and earn a certificate of merit. Detective Wallace gets kids excited about testing witnesses, examining the evidence, and investigating the case for Christianity.
This is an excellent book to challenge upper elementary/tweens to find their own faith in Christ. Using mystery as a backdrop, readers gather clues, examine evidence, add “tools” to their “investigative bag,” and more.
I really enjoyed this book. I like that the authors want kids to think through the evidence and find Jesus without being told to. There are illustrations and a link to a website with more activities. J. Warner Wallace is a cold-case detective who has been featured on Dateline, Fox News, and TruTv. His expertise makes this book a real deal for kids and their quest to solve mysteries.
If you have a child between the ages of 8-12, I highly recommend Cold-Case Christianity for Kids.
I received this book from the publisher for review.
To purchase Cold-Case Christianity for Kids, click here.