You’re Beautiful Now Available
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You’re Beautiful Now Available

  This series was inspired by our teenaged daughter Hannah after a tough transition to junior high. Instead of giving up and becoming bitter, Hannah decided to take the lessons she learned and create a series for girls her age. Julie (Hannah’s mom,) has a passion for mentoring. As she listened to Hannah create characters,…

Product Review: Passport2Purity DISCOUNT OFFERED!
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Product Review: Passport2Purity DISCOUNT OFFERED!

Product Description A life-changing getaway with your preteen Your child begins the journey into adolescence in a world of sexting, bullying, online stalking and moral defiance. Innocence is under attack, and you cannot win the battle with a single awkward talk or a strict set of rules. The primary defense for your child is a…

Saturday Confession: Practice What I Teach
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Saturday Confession: Practice What I Teach

It was a rare summer Wednesday evening where I actually had teaching to do with tween girls. One of the girls was back after missing several weeks for sports, so we played catch up. The unit was “Commitment to Christ.” The lesson was basically why He’s worth following.         At first I…