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Book Review: Project Inspired by Nicole Weider

51uJZ3E0eYL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_Nicole Weider is on a mission: to help young girls avoid the traps that culture sets. The trap that baits you into thinking you must sacrifice your self-worth in order to be beautiful and popular. Nicole launched Project Inspired in 2010 (www.projectinspired.com), a website for teen girls that analyzes pop culture and explores ways girls can live in their authentic beauty.

In Project Inspired, Nicole shares tips for you to stay true to yourself—to how you were created to be—as well as how to dress modestly yet fashionably, how to make a positive difference in the world, and how to enjoy your teen years while standing firm in your faith. With photographs, real behind-the-scenes stories from inside the fashion world, and an honest look at living a life that looks great on the outside and feels great on the inside, Project Inspired is a book you’ll turn to time and time again.

This easy-to-read book from model and actress Nicole Weider is a message all tween and teen girls need to read. Nicole briefly shares her modeling story where she had trouble fitting in at school and that she never felt enough. Through it all she had a friend who was always praying for her, and that friend’s faith helped Nicole realize she needed a relationship with Christ.

Now Nicole is on a mission to help girls find their identity in Christ and walk confidently with their peers. She has tips on clothes, makeup, modesty, friendship, dating, and much more. I found the tips to be at their level and yet Biblical and what I agree with as a parent.

I also found Nicole’s pictures modeling clothes very helpful. My daughter is visual and seeing what looks Nicole was writing about really helped.

Project Inspired is a book girls can read quickly, but it also contains so many gems, girls can also reference it again and again.

I definitely recommend!

To purchase Project Inspired, click here.

I received a copy of Project Inspired in exchange for my honest review.

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