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Saturday Confession: The Pizza Ephinany

The real confession here is that it took me 18 years of marriage before I surrendered the charcoal grill. I was afraid of using the gas grill and didn’t know what to create. Now that we have one and my husband assured me my eyebrows are safe, I’ve been testing the waters.


My biggest challenge has been grilled pizza. My first crust was inedible. I took for granted how fast the grill heats and gets the job done, especially with a thin crust.

The second crust was perfection. So much so I wanted to do it again. Kind of like golf. and having kids. You forget the agony when it goes right.

So this week was my latest attempt. I put all the ingredients on trays, opened everything, got all the tools, pre heated the grill and went to work. The first crust was a little crispier than I wanted but it was edible. The second was fine.

It was in this week’s process I had an epiphany.

[tweetthis]Grilling pizza is a lot like life. The adult life where deadlines matter. #confession[/tweetthis]

My 5th grader has started summer early in her mind and decided getting me to sign her homework log every night isn’t so important. She’s now getting on yellow.

Well, there’s no yellow for me anymore. [tweetthis]If I mess up,no one calls my mom or puts me in detention.[/tweetthis] Especially as an author, I’ve got to line it all up. Balance the timing. Wait too long and my work is inedible. Don’t wait long enough/serve too early and it’s not developed enough. There’s no time to run back in and retrieve something once that crust is on the grill.

It’s go time.

I’ve really struggled lately to get it all together because so much else has been going on. Thankfully in the year where my theme is “revive,” I’ve realized I can’t be driving a car, attending this and that, and still “be at the grill.” I’m cutting way back. It’s time. Not everyone is going to understand and not everyone is going to love it. I’ve been grilling pizza, so to speak, for a long time.

So that’s what I learned. Grilling pizza is a challenge and I’m up to the task.  It’s also an object lesson on writing and I’m ready for that challenge as well. And for the places where I’ve grilled crusts for a long time, I’m taking the apron off and having a seat.

And it feels good.

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[…] Saturday Confession: The Pizza Ephinany […]

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