Sabbath Sunday: Beyond the Woods
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Sabbath Sunday: Beyond the Woods

  Each Sunday I take my own amateur nature photo and share a thought or two about God’s love. Fairy tales are a popular theme these days and I’m a fan like everyone else. There’s Once Upon a Time, Maleficent, Cinderella is coming out, and right now, Into the Woods. But real life hasn’t shown…

Saturday Confession: Scar Tissue
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Saturday Confession: Scar Tissue

It’s been awhile since I’ve confessed, and Saturday is the day I do it. For new readers it’s not to air my laundry, it’s to encourage. Because there is one thing I know—the true defeated one likes us to think we’re the defeated ones. And if I can shed light on my struggles and surrender…

2014 Words of the Year Review: Chosen and Preposterous
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2014 Words of the Year Review: Chosen and Preposterous

As I scratch my head in awe that 2014 is here and gone, I’m even more amazed at the ways God delivered on the words He gave me to focus and live for in the year. Because 2013 was abundance, it was awesome He gave two words for 2014. Chosen. Preposterous. I knew right away…