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Book Review: Ending Sibling Rivalry by Sarah Hamaker

41t-ZzjkqpLBook Description

“Is your day punctuated by tattling, tears, and testiness among your children? Does your home resemble a war zone, with fights breaking out constantly among combative siblings? Do you wonder why your kids can’t get along? You’re not alone. Sibling rivalry has become one of the most
frustrating problems facing today’s parents.

Yet sibling rivalry is not an inevitable outcome. It is possible to help your children move from enemies to friends. In Ending Sibling Rivalry, Sarah
Hamaker provides common sense and practical solutions to this familiar problem, guiding parents through the roots—and remedies—of sibling rivalry.

Ending Sibling Rivalry addresses the harmful impact of competition on the sibling relationship, how to avoid the trap of favoritism and comparison, and how to teach children conflict resolution. Whether your children are toddlers or teenagers, Ending Sibling Rivalry provides the blueprint for reducing sibling conflict and building a more loving relationship between or among your children.”

Sarah Hamaker delivers a comprehensive guide involving every possible topic I can think of regarding siblings and rivalry.

Whether it’s jealousy or favoritism, the author gives suggestions, resources and information from real families with experience. It covers all ages and gives the necessary tools to raise children who will not only be siblings, but even friends.

If you are or know a frustrated family full of sibling squabbles, this book is a must.

To purchase Ending Sibling Rivalry, click here.

I received a copy of Ending Sibling Rivalry from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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Book Review: Ending Sibling Rivalry by Sarah Hamaker – Julie Arduini | Julie Arduini