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Sabbath Sunday: The Cross Covers
Every Sunday it’s a joy to share my own amateur nature pictures along with my thoughts on God’s love for you. I took this the hottest night of the summer where the humidity was panting at 81%. I spent the day in and out of stores getting groceries and school supplies. I needed new brakes….

I Recommend: Inspire a Fire
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COTT: Introducing Jaime Marsman and The Knitting Fairy
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The Internet Cafe Has a New Counter!
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Guest Blogger Jennifer Slattery: Who’s Going to Take the First Step?
Julie’s Note: Jennifer Slattery isn’t just a fantastic writer, she shares my passion for marriage. This originally posted on her blog, and I’m pleased to showcase it here. Make sure you contact her, as she left her contact info at the end. Today I’m doing something a little different, mainly because I committed to do…

WFW: Never, Ever Give Up
Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality. Romans 12:12, The Message This is my post for Word Full Wednesday. Take your Bible verse and image and post on your blog….

Sabbath Sunday: The Cross Covers
Every Sunday it’s a joy to share my own amateur nature pictures along with my thoughts on God’s love for you. I took this the hottest night of the summer where the humidity was panting at 81%. I spent the day in and out of stores getting groceries and school supplies. I needed new brakes….

I Recommend: Inspire a Fire
I’m rarely on time but for the past few months I’ve written a post and put on my sidebar a name of an organization or ministry that has my attention for all the right reasons. May—Chick Lit Girls July—Glass House Ministries August—Inspire a Fire From Google Search: Inspire a Fire is a Christian-faith based website…

COTT: Introducing Jaime Marsman and The Knitting Fairy
Before we introduce this week’s featured new release, COTT would like to extend a quick, yet heart-felt congratulations to our first annual Olympia Award winner, Author Laura McClellan and her manuscript, Do No Harm. More on Laura and her exciting win next month. Stay tuned! And now, our featured novel… **** About The Knitting Fairy: Molly…

The Internet Cafe Has a New Counter!
Exciting news from Internet Cafe Devotions! As you might know, I’m a marriage counter barista at the Cafe. More than that, I’m a big fan and reader. I think you’re going to enjoy their news. I know I am! We’re excited to announce our Bible Study Counter is about to…

Guest Blogger Jennifer Slattery: Who’s Going to Take the First Step?
Julie’s Note: Jennifer Slattery isn’t just a fantastic writer, she shares my passion for marriage. This originally posted on her blog, and I’m pleased to showcase it here. Make sure you contact her, as she left her contact info at the end. Today I’m doing something a little different, mainly because I committed to do…

WFW: Never, Ever Give Up
Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality. Romans 12:12, The Message This is my post for Word Full Wednesday. Take your Bible verse and image and post on your blog….

Sabbath Sunday: The Cross Covers
Every Sunday it’s a joy to share my own amateur nature pictures along with my thoughts on God’s love for you. I took this the hottest night of the summer where the humidity was panting at 81%. I spent the day in and out of stores getting groceries and school supplies. I needed new brakes….

I Recommend: Inspire a Fire
I’m rarely on time but for the past few months I’ve written a post and put on my sidebar a name of an organization or ministry that has my attention for all the right reasons. May—Chick Lit Girls July—Glass House Ministries August—Inspire a Fire From Google Search: Inspire a Fire is a Christian-faith based website…

COTT: Introducing Jaime Marsman and The Knitting Fairy
Before we introduce this week’s featured new release, COTT would like to extend a quick, yet heart-felt congratulations to our first annual Olympia Award winner, Author Laura McClellan and her manuscript, Do No Harm. More on Laura and her exciting win next month. Stay tuned! And now, our featured novel… **** About The Knitting Fairy: Molly…

The Internet Cafe Has a New Counter!
Exciting news from Internet Cafe Devotions! As you might know, I’m a marriage counter barista at the Cafe. More than that, I’m a big fan and reader. I think you’re going to enjoy their news. I know I am! We’re excited to announce our Bible Study Counter is about to…

Guest Blogger Jennifer Slattery: Who’s Going to Take the First Step?
Julie’s Note: Jennifer Slattery isn’t just a fantastic writer, she shares my passion for marriage. This originally posted on her blog, and I’m pleased to showcase it here. Make sure you contact her, as she left her contact info at the end. Today I’m doing something a little different, mainly because I committed to do…

WFW: Never, Ever Give Up
Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality. Romans 12:12, The Message This is my post for Word Full Wednesday. Take your Bible verse and image and post on your blog….