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COTT: Welcome Penelope Wilcock!
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Book Review: Ending Sibling Rivalry by Sarah Hamaker
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Old-Fashioned Honor in Today’s World by Ginger Solomon
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What We Do On Misfit Island
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COTT: Welcome Penelope Wilcock!
Welcome Penelope Wilcock! Clash of the Titles is proud to feature The Hawk and the Dove series by English writer Penelope Wilcock! With the first books written in the early 90s and the remainder published 20 years later, the Hawk and the Dove series has captivated readers for decades. Set centuries ago, these books offer…

Book Review: Ending Sibling Rivalry by Sarah Hamaker
Book Description “Is your day punctuated by tattling, tears, and testiness among your children? Does your home resemble a war zone, with fights breaking out constantly among combative siblings? Do you wonder why your kids can’t get along? You’re not alone. Sibling rivalry has become one of the most frustrating problems facing today’s parents. Yet…

Sabbath Sunday: You See a Sunset, I See a Promise
This sunset was one of the few days the sun came out in March in NE Ohio. It was on the way to a gathering with women who I believe are moving past brokenness and hurt to freedom and abundance. But it’s a process, and it’s hard. This scene is my reminder that even on…

The Traditions Parable
This reminds me of my FaithWriter days when we had weekly challenges with a theme. It really stretched me as there were genres and themes I would otherwise never would have tried. This vision came to me this week, and I thought it was a thought-provoking parable. Something different to post. I pray that you…

Old-Fashioned Honor in Today’s World by Ginger Solomon
Old-fashioned Honor in Today’s World By Ginger Solomon My recent release, Broken Valentine, is all about surrender—to parental oversight, to God, and of self. Several of my reviewers have said that parts of it are unrealistic in today’s society. That’s a shame—not that they said it, but that it is unrealistic. Sarah and Michael,…

What We Do On Misfit Island
When I share with others about my personality I tell them I’m a misfit. When everyone else is having tea parties and talking about the sales at Kohl’s, I’m sizing up the women that I know are wounded and in need of freedom. I’m looking at children who have potential and the world is trying…

COTT: Welcome Penelope Wilcock!
Welcome Penelope Wilcock! Clash of the Titles is proud to feature The Hawk and the Dove series by English writer Penelope Wilcock! With the first books written in the early 90s and the remainder published 20 years later, the Hawk and the Dove series has captivated readers for decades. Set centuries ago, these books offer…

Book Review: Ending Sibling Rivalry by Sarah Hamaker
Book Description “Is your day punctuated by tattling, tears, and testiness among your children? Does your home resemble a war zone, with fights breaking out constantly among combative siblings? Do you wonder why your kids can’t get along? You’re not alone. Sibling rivalry has become one of the most frustrating problems facing today’s parents. Yet…

Sabbath Sunday: You See a Sunset, I See a Promise
This sunset was one of the few days the sun came out in March in NE Ohio. It was on the way to a gathering with women who I believe are moving past brokenness and hurt to freedom and abundance. But it’s a process, and it’s hard. This scene is my reminder that even on…

The Traditions Parable
This reminds me of my FaithWriter days when we had weekly challenges with a theme. It really stretched me as there were genres and themes I would otherwise never would have tried. This vision came to me this week, and I thought it was a thought-provoking parable. Something different to post. I pray that you…

Old-Fashioned Honor in Today’s World by Ginger Solomon
Old-fashioned Honor in Today’s World By Ginger Solomon My recent release, Broken Valentine, is all about surrender—to parental oversight, to God, and of self. Several of my reviewers have said that parts of it are unrealistic in today’s society. That’s a shame—not that they said it, but that it is unrealistic. Sarah and Michael,…

What We Do On Misfit Island
When I share with others about my personality I tell them I’m a misfit. When everyone else is having tea parties and talking about the sales at Kohl’s, I’m sizing up the women that I know are wounded and in need of freedom. I’m looking at children who have potential and the world is trying…