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Book Review: Martyr’s Moon by J.E. Lowder

I can’t believe it was late 2011 when I reviewed J.E. Lowder’s Tears of Min Brock, the first offering in the War of Whispers series. I admitted back then I’m not smart enough to understand fantasy and allegory, but Lowder is an amazing storyteller. He demands, simply with action packed words and haunting imagery, that even a dense reader like me pick up his work and keep reading.

51AXi8S5LXL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_Martyr’s Moon starts with action and doesn’t let up. There are twists and turns as the characters battle good and evil, and perhaps a bigger battle, discerning which is which. The characters have to forgive and let go of guilt. Again, all with incredible storytelling and beautiful visuals laid out in imagination thanks to the foundation the author prepared.

Often when I see a series I believe the books can be standalones. I don’t believe this is the case with Martyr’s Moon. It’s worth your time, especially as a fantasy and allegory reader, to devour Tears of Min Brock first. If you’re a Lord of the Rings fan, I think the War of Whispers series will be a new favorite for you.

From Amazon:

The story…
The Council of Ebon encircle the Cauldron, their grotesque features shrouded in shadows. With voices like ice shards scraping against stone, they disclosed their dark prophesy…

Mothers, guard babes: Fathers, draw steel,
Thunder approaches, soon blood on the fields.
Tempest of war, so black and so vile,
Spreads o’er Allsbruth; lament suckling child.

War between the dark nation of Ebon and rebel forces is imminent.
The Martyr’s Moon rises. The blood of a storyteller is spilled.
Hope vanishes.
Yet in night, the King of Claire whispers.

To purchase Martyr’s Moon, click here.

I received Martyr’s Moon from the author in exchange for an honest review.

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