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Interview with Eleanor Clark, author of Victoria Grace: Courageous Patriot, FREE on Kindle Through July 20

Become a Courageous Patriot!

Victoria Grace: Courageous Patriot is FREE on KINDLE through July 20.


Eleanor, welcome! I’m so excited to have you as my special visitor today. Can you tell my readers a little about yourself?

I should start by telling you that I just celebrated a very important birthday—my 80th! And yes, I’m still very active! I’ve spent years researching my family’s lineage. After discovering some exciting stories, I decided to write them down in The Eleanor Series, a series of seven books for girls of all ages (and good for boys, too). I spend every day telling others about my books and sharing my love of faith, patriotism and godly character. What a wonderful life I lead!


All seven books have released?

In print form, yes! And now the books are releasing in e-book form. The first, Mary Elizabeth: Welcome to America, released last month. This month I’m releasing the second book in the series in e-book form. Victoria Grace: Courageous Patriot just went live on kindle!


Tell us about the book you’re featuring this week.

I’m so excited about the e-book release of Victoria Grace. The story is set during the time period of America’s War for Independence and is loosely based on a real family story. Here’s the official blurb: Eight-year-old Sara Elizabeth has just started a brand new year of school, but doesn’t like it. If she had her way, she would just quit and never return. She’s just too scared, to be honest. However, when Grand Doll visits the school and shares the story of Victoria Grace, a little girl from their family who lived during the time of the Revolutionary war, Sara learns that God can give her the courage she needs to face life’s many challenges.

I understand this story really hits home for you.

Yes. My great-grandfather (several times over), David Spence, fought for my freedom during the American Revolutionary war. That’s why it’s so important to me to write a book set during that time period. I’m so proud to have a lineage of courageous patriots and pray my readers will catch the vision!


I love that the stories in this series are based on real family history. What fun you must have had researching!

Oh yes, I had the time of my life. Distant relatives (great-great grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, granddaughters…all played a role in building the characters in this series).


I understand you’ve been very active in political circles and feel strongly about courage and patriotism. Can you tell me more about what freedom means to you?

High on the list are these two things: Enjoying freedom of speech and the freedom to worship as I please. When I talk to my grandchildren about freedom I remind them that we live in a country where we can come and go as we please, buy as equals, and worship as we want. We can speak our thoughts/beliefs freely.


Eleanor, what are your thoughts on the phrase “Freedom isn’t really free”?

Our freedom cost a lot and that price is still being paid today by modern-day courageous patriots like Victoria Grace! I don’t even want to imagine the difference between the freedoms we face as Americans and what people in another countries go through. I hope my story, Victoria Grace: Courageous Patriot, shares my gratitude to those who paved the way so that we can enjoy our freedoms!


Speaking of freedom, we just celebrated the 4th of July. What do you think of when you celebrate this special day? 

The fourth of July is usually about family, watermelon, picnics and fireworks. To me, it’s so symbolic of the freedoms we enjoy! Think about it: in other countries people stand in food lines to get a crust of bread and in America we have all this abundance. We need to freely share what we’ve been given.


What can we do to be modern-day patriots?

Show your patriotism. Stay loyal to the flag and the Constitution. Remember our forefathers (like the brave men in my story) who fought so hard for our freedom so that we can be free.


How do I order a copy of the book?

Victoria Grace, Courageous Patriot is immediately available on kindle. It will be free from July 16th – 20th, $3.99 after that), or in hardback (through my website).


Will the other books in The Eleanor Series release as e-books as well?

Yes, and I’m so excited about the adventure ahead! The books will release one per month over the next several months with the final story, a Christmas story, releasing in early December. Here’s a list of the titles and release dates:

  • Mary Elizabeth: Welcome to America (now selling for .99)
  • Victoria Grace: Courageous Patriot (just released/free from the 16th – 20th)
  • Katie Sue: Heading West (August 15th)
  • Sarah Jane: Liberty’s Torch (September 15th)
  • Eleanor Jo: The Farmer’s Daughter (October 15th)
  • Melanie Ann: A Legacy of Love (November 15th)
  • Eleanor Jo: A Christmas to Remember (December 1st)


What are you offering my bloggers today?

One lucky person will have an opportunity to win a hardback copy of Victoria Grace, Courageous Patriot when they leave a comment at the end of this blog!


You’ve been a delight to interview, Eleanor! How can we stay in touch with you?

Courtesy Eleanor Clark’s Amazon author page

Thank you so much for having me! Readers can reach me at:

My website: www.eleanorseries.com

My facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/eleanor.clark.50

My Eleanor Series facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TheEleanorSeries

Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/Eleanor_Clark


Friends, please check out Eleanor’s series. I think you’ll love it. The Eleanor Series will be a wonderful addition to any library. It will also inspire parents and grandparents to research their family’s history. So, this summer, as you’re setting your sites to the school year ahead. . .take a moment to look back at where you’ve come from. Then, be prepared to leave behind a legacy of love and enjoy your freedoms as a courageous patriot!



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