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A2Z Meme: This Twit Qwits

Didn’t think I could come up with a “Q” post, did you?

Oh, but I did.

Thanks to Qwitter.

Qwitter is an app, for lack of a better word, where you can learn who on Twitter stopped following you. I find far too much pleasure in this resource. It’s sad, really.

For the most part, my Qwitters seem to be folks who must know I didn’t follow them back. I don’t follow spam, or p*rn, or all about business every single tweet of the day. I try to follow writers, whether they write in my genre, or not. One author wrote in her bio that she writes e*otic books, and I didn’t follow her. More than a writer, I’m a Christian wife and mom, and I just couldn’t follow someone whose words are a downfall to minds and marriages. It’s my conviction, and it might not be yours.

What I find interesting, though, is the Qwitters who followed me first. Most of the time, I have no idea who they are, writer or not. Some are Christian personalities that I know of, not in a personal way, but I know their ministry. I admit I’m curious when I get a Qwitter notice from those who found me first.

*Was I too Christian?

*Was I not enough Christian?

*Did I tweet about writing too much?

*Did I tweet about writing too little?

*Was the Christian and/or Writer offended that I mentioned another aspect of my life like a favorite TV show, a NASCAR race, or a mom moment?

It could get mind boggling if I let it, and I admit, at times I have. There were writers I admired that found me first, and Qwit. Ministry leaders. Musical groups. And moms that I thought were pretty awesome. I still do.

I’m keeping the Qwitter, but I’m quitting the analyzing. I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s okay, because I’m one bold cup of coffee. I’m a Christian, but I’m not the kind that can send up KJV tweets. I’m full of encouragement and snarky humor. I love my NASCAR and have imperfect mom moments. I joined an authors network that is not all Christian work, and I signed on to tweet their messages once or twice a day. My blog and Facebook writing page auto feed to twitter. I have that daily newspaper app through Twitter that I believe can be a good marketing tool, but yes, it shows who I follow. I follow writers, moms, Christian folks, ministry leaders, and yes, the celebrities my kids like, so I know what’s going on. Sometimes teen celebrities speak their true selves, and I want to know before my kid models that behavior. Call me a stalker, call me eclectic, but it is what it is, and I am what I am. What you see from me on Twitter is how I act on Facebook, in e mail, on this site, and in person.

So if you have to Qwit me, it’s okay.

Because the one thing followers and Qwitters seem to get is that I’m all about surrender.

With a tag line and a writing life revolving around surrender, qwit me or not, I think I’m doing something right.

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11 years ago

Love this! When I first started Twitter and had few followers, one of my favorite authors started following me! I was so flattered. But during a particularly intense basketball championship game I tweeted Go Mavs and got unfollowed by her fast. 🙁 Guess I shoulda stuck to NASCAR! 🙂

11 years ago
Reply to  MarjiLaine

 @MarjiLaine I can’t believe you got unfollowed because of a Mavs tweet! It’s a good point, though, not to take it all too seriously. We could be easily offended much of the time because it is so subjective what keeps us followed, or not. Thanks!

11 years ago

You are very brave! I would get so immersed in who quit and why I’d probably stop functioning!