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Have a Better Idea than The Hunger Games? Start Here.

I believe I’m on tap to host Fiction Friday tomorrow, so I thought I’d give you a heads up. I’d love for you to join us. Whether it’s that “I can do better than that Hunger Games series” or you’ve been jotting down notes for years but never put a story together, this is a great way to get that writing going.

Join us right here tomorrow for Fiction Friday

I credit Fiction Friday for helping me have long term vision. I’ve been submitting my contemporary romance to critique groups through 2011-12 so I haven’t come up for a lot of fresh air or ideas. I thought about using Fiction Friday to flesh out my characters, especially the secondary ones. One time I wrote about the “villain,” Kyle Swarthmore. Last time I hosted I decided to learn more about my heroine’s best friend, Carla Rowling. Once I started, I realized Carla has more than a story. There is a book she has to tell. I had no plans to design a series around the Adirondack Mountains. Now, I’m already thinking of ideas. You never know what might happen.

Join me tomorrow when you have the chance to read my story, but also other entries. Write your own, and make sure you link up at the end of my post on Friday. I look forward to reading what you come up with!


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