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Raquel Byrnes Presents the Almost Kiss Clash of the Titles (COTT) Winner

*guest post by Raquel Byrnes

The Almost Kiss clash has been a whirlwind of romance, breathless moments, and possibilities! Your responses to the excerpts were amazing.Both books were great examples of riveting Christian Fiction available out there, but there can be only one winner and I am happy to announce that book is…

A Thyme for Love by Pamela S. Meyers!

Pamela’s winning Almost Kiss excerpt was full of sparks and surprises. 

Here’s a small snippet of the great scene:


…Marc tipped my chin up with his index finger. “April, you’re sweating.” He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and dabbed my forehead. I had nowhere to look but into his eyes and, once there, I couldn’t pull my gaze away. Good thing I didn’t want to. His eyes went to my mouth and he leaned closer. I lifted my chin in anticipation. So much for the boss’s orders… 

He brought his mouth closer, and the tiny elevator started to spin. Then everything went black.

If you missed it, drop by Clash of the Titles to take a peek at One Breathless Moment…

We received positive reader response for this spunky romance.

“Great tension! I was riveted to every word!”
“Love the anticipation and butterflies in the almost kiss scene…”
“The setting was marvelous, the tension leaped off the pages.”

A Thyme for Love is a wonderful example of the awesome Christian fiction available. 

This week, an exciting new Unpublished Novel Clash begins. It’s hosted by our very own April Gardner! Make sure you come by for another chance to vote and WIN a free book!

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13 years ago

Great winning book.