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A2Z Letter D: Rolling in the DEEP

This is part of Patty Wysong‘s meme where bloggers each week share a post regarding the letter of the alphabet. This week is…D.

I love being snarky and witty, and I use that feature more than I should. But many times I’m doing it to hide what is a natural part of me as well that most people, myself included, don’t know what to do with—I’m deep.

Not let’s discuss Shakespeare deep, but here’s an example—

Years and years ago I was at a friend’s house. I looked at her family picture and zeroed in on something I observed, and just blurted out,

“Is your dad an alcoholic?”

I didn’t talk about what anyone wore or their hair, no, I saw something in the layers of the picture and I went there. It was all I knew to do. She admitted yes, there were issues, and for a brief moment she opened the door to her life that I know she never intended to.

A recent example—A peer asked me my weekend plans. I explained how I was starting it off with a focused prayer, and why. The situation I described was a passion to make something right out of a desperate looking situation. I watched her jaw drop. She had no idea people right around her had problems. She fixed the silk collar on her blouse and announced how sad it was.

And she wished me a good weekend.

She was probably looking for the sports family or social schedule, and that isn’t me, not often. I’m passionate and always thinking. My brain does not stop. Even when I dream, it is full of color and miniscule details I’m constantly praying for interpretation.

There is a superficial part to me. I can recall lyrics to every song I grew up with, and reach to find a Bible verse. It is what it is. But if you ask me what I’m up to, be prepared.

To go deep.

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13 years ago

Awe inspiring post.