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A2Z Meme: This Twit Qwits
Didn’t think I could come up with a “Q” post, did you? Oh, but I did. Thanks to Qwitter. Qwitter is an app, for lack of a better word, where you can learn who on Twitter stopped following you. I find far too much pleasure in this resource. It’s sad, really. For the most part,…

WFW: Wear That Truth
It’s time to post a verse that God is speaking into your life from His Holy Word, the Bible, and share with the Internet Cafe as part of the Internet Cafe Word Full Wednesday. Having trouble seeing the image? Go to the homepage and visit the slideshow of pix at the top. It’s the most…

The King’s Daughters by B.J. Bassett
I Said Yes to God’s Call I enjoy reading about the story behind the story. And I hope you do too because I’d like to share mine with you. My book, The King’s Daughters—A Women’s Devotional, began unexpectedly. I was in between fiction projects when I felt a call from the Lord to write a…

About Forgiveness
As I mentioned yesterday, I’ve been intentional watching the news to learn more about the victims and survivors of the Aurora shootings. Maybe it’s a mama’s heart, or the love for news I’ve carried since I was 6 years old. Whatever the case, one of the most moving interviewees I’ve ever seen has captured me…

Thankful: Walking in Favor by Joy Chickonoski
Walking in Favor I used to think walking in God’s favor meant walking in the fulfillment of my dreams. The problem, I am a visionary, hating status quo and relentlessly in pursuit heaven on earth. No matter how many answered prayers I experience the unfulfilled ones made a larger impact; it left me feeling…

My Two Cents About the Ice Bucket Challenge
This week was my turn to blog at Christians Read and I thought I’d share my observations about the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS. The response has been positive against all the comments and negativity I’ve seen regarding the challenge. I’d love for you to take a look and share your thoughts. Read About the…

A2Z Meme: This Twit Qwits
Didn’t think I could come up with a “Q” post, did you? Oh, but I did. Thanks to Qwitter. Qwitter is an app, for lack of a better word, where you can learn who on Twitter stopped following you. I find far too much pleasure in this resource. It’s sad, really. For the most part,…

WFW: Wear That Truth
It’s time to post a verse that God is speaking into your life from His Holy Word, the Bible, and share with the Internet Cafe as part of the Internet Cafe Word Full Wednesday. Having trouble seeing the image? Go to the homepage and visit the slideshow of pix at the top. It’s the most…

The King’s Daughters by B.J. Bassett
I Said Yes to God’s Call I enjoy reading about the story behind the story. And I hope you do too because I’d like to share mine with you. My book, The King’s Daughters—A Women’s Devotional, began unexpectedly. I was in between fiction projects when I felt a call from the Lord to write a…

About Forgiveness
As I mentioned yesterday, I’ve been intentional watching the news to learn more about the victims and survivors of the Aurora shootings. Maybe it’s a mama’s heart, or the love for news I’ve carried since I was 6 years old. Whatever the case, one of the most moving interviewees I’ve ever seen has captured me…

Thankful: Walking in Favor by Joy Chickonoski
Walking in Favor I used to think walking in God’s favor meant walking in the fulfillment of my dreams. The problem, I am a visionary, hating status quo and relentlessly in pursuit heaven on earth. No matter how many answered prayers I experience the unfulfilled ones made a larger impact; it left me feeling…

My Two Cents About the Ice Bucket Challenge
This week was my turn to blog at Christians Read and I thought I’d share my observations about the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS. The response has been positive against all the comments and negativity I’ve seen regarding the challenge. I’d love for you to take a look and share your thoughts. Read About the…

A2Z Meme: This Twit Qwits
Didn’t think I could come up with a “Q” post, did you? Oh, but I did. Thanks to Qwitter. Qwitter is an app, for lack of a better word, where you can learn who on Twitter stopped following you. I find far too much pleasure in this resource. It’s sad, really. For the most part,…

WFW: Wear That Truth
It’s time to post a verse that God is speaking into your life from His Holy Word, the Bible, and share with the Internet Cafe as part of the Internet Cafe Word Full Wednesday. Having trouble seeing the image? Go to the homepage and visit the slideshow of pix at the top. It’s the most…

The King’s Daughters by B.J. Bassett
I Said Yes to God’s Call I enjoy reading about the story behind the story. And I hope you do too because I’d like to share mine with you. My book, The King’s Daughters—A Women’s Devotional, began unexpectedly. I was in between fiction projects when I felt a call from the Lord to write a…

About Forgiveness
As I mentioned yesterday, I’ve been intentional watching the news to learn more about the victims and survivors of the Aurora shootings. Maybe it’s a mama’s heart, or the love for news I’ve carried since I was 6 years old. Whatever the case, one of the most moving interviewees I’ve ever seen has captured me…

Thankful: Walking in Favor by Joy Chickonoski
Walking in Favor I used to think walking in God’s favor meant walking in the fulfillment of my dreams. The problem, I am a visionary, hating status quo and relentlessly in pursuit heaven on earth. No matter how many answered prayers I experience the unfulfilled ones made a larger impact; it left me feeling…

My Two Cents About the Ice Bucket Challenge
This week was my turn to blog at Christians Read and I thought I’d share my observations about the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS. The response has been positive against all the comments and negativity I’ve seen regarding the challenge. I’d love for you to take a look and share your thoughts. Read About the…
Bullys intimidate me.