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Introducing Lume
I’ve been pretty transparent about hormonal imbalance, menopause complications, and adrenal fatigue. I try not to get too specific, because I understand men read my work as well. (Thanks, guys!) Today I am sharing a bit more detail, but in a way that I believe can help women and men. So, here I go. I…

Marriage Monday: Why I’m Still Married
Well, wow. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to participate in Marriage Monday, and E-mom doesn’t mess around with the topic. Divorce. As in, as a Christian wife blogging on marriage today, why am I still married? Why haven’t I divorced? Is commitment a key? I’m not one…

Join Me As I Make a HUGE Faith Step Through Cyberspace
That whole surrender fear thing? I hope I never give you the impression I have that mastered. I think the only thing I can claim progress with is my reaction time towards obedience in Christ is getting faster. But still. Years ago I worked with Noelle Mena and we’ve stayed in touch through the changes…

Saturday Confession: But I Want the Bedbugs to Bite
Okay, so don’t take the title literally. I’m thinking of the nighttime ritual I have spoken with the kids as a contest for over ten years. It started with our son, almost 17, and then our daughter, nearly 12. “Sweet dreams, don’t let the bedbugs bite, goodbye!” That’s our thing. We would pray after tucking…

Bonus Book Review: Give Us This Day by June Foster
I first became acquainted with June Foster’s writing with her second work in the Bellewood Series, As We Forgive. I loved the characters, and she let me know Pastor Tim first appears in her first book. I’ve wanted to read Give Us This Day for a long time, and I’m so glad I did. June…

Sabbath Sunday: No Matter the Waves
Ah, Sunday. While I worship with my church family and fellowship with God as well as rest and hang out with my family, I also share an amateur nature picture here that shares a thought about God’s love for you. This is one of my favorite weekly bloggy things to do and judging by the…

Introducing Lume
I’ve been pretty transparent about hormonal imbalance, menopause complications, and adrenal fatigue. I try not to get too specific, because I understand men read my work as well. (Thanks, guys!) Today I am sharing a bit more detail, but in a way that I believe can help women and men. So, here I go. I…

Marriage Monday: Why I’m Still Married
Well, wow. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to participate in Marriage Monday, and E-mom doesn’t mess around with the topic. Divorce. As in, as a Christian wife blogging on marriage today, why am I still married? Why haven’t I divorced? Is commitment a key? I’m not one…

Join Me As I Make a HUGE Faith Step Through Cyberspace
That whole surrender fear thing? I hope I never give you the impression I have that mastered. I think the only thing I can claim progress with is my reaction time towards obedience in Christ is getting faster. But still. Years ago I worked with Noelle Mena and we’ve stayed in touch through the changes…

Saturday Confession: But I Want the Bedbugs to Bite
Okay, so don’t take the title literally. I’m thinking of the nighttime ritual I have spoken with the kids as a contest for over ten years. It started with our son, almost 17, and then our daughter, nearly 12. “Sweet dreams, don’t let the bedbugs bite, goodbye!” That’s our thing. We would pray after tucking…

Bonus Book Review: Give Us This Day by June Foster
I first became acquainted with June Foster’s writing with her second work in the Bellewood Series, As We Forgive. I loved the characters, and she let me know Pastor Tim first appears in her first book. I’ve wanted to read Give Us This Day for a long time, and I’m so glad I did. June…

Sabbath Sunday: No Matter the Waves
Ah, Sunday. While I worship with my church family and fellowship with God as well as rest and hang out with my family, I also share an amateur nature picture here that shares a thought about God’s love for you. This is one of my favorite weekly bloggy things to do and judging by the…

Introducing Lume
I’ve been pretty transparent about hormonal imbalance, menopause complications, and adrenal fatigue. I try not to get too specific, because I understand men read my work as well. (Thanks, guys!) Today I am sharing a bit more detail, but in a way that I believe can help women and men. So, here I go. I…

Marriage Monday: Why I’m Still Married
Well, wow. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to participate in Marriage Monday, and E-mom doesn’t mess around with the topic. Divorce. As in, as a Christian wife blogging on marriage today, why am I still married? Why haven’t I divorced? Is commitment a key? I’m not one…

Join Me As I Make a HUGE Faith Step Through Cyberspace
That whole surrender fear thing? I hope I never give you the impression I have that mastered. I think the only thing I can claim progress with is my reaction time towards obedience in Christ is getting faster. But still. Years ago I worked with Noelle Mena and we’ve stayed in touch through the changes…

Saturday Confession: But I Want the Bedbugs to Bite
Okay, so don’t take the title literally. I’m thinking of the nighttime ritual I have spoken with the kids as a contest for over ten years. It started with our son, almost 17, and then our daughter, nearly 12. “Sweet dreams, don’t let the bedbugs bite, goodbye!” That’s our thing. We would pray after tucking…

Bonus Book Review: Give Us This Day by June Foster
I first became acquainted with June Foster’s writing with her second work in the Bellewood Series, As We Forgive. I loved the characters, and she let me know Pastor Tim first appears in her first book. I’ve wanted to read Give Us This Day for a long time, and I’m so glad I did. June…

Sabbath Sunday: No Matter the Waves
Ah, Sunday. While I worship with my church family and fellowship with God as well as rest and hang out with my family, I also share an amateur nature picture here that shares a thought about God’s love for you. This is one of my favorite weekly bloggy things to do and judging by the…
Bullys intimidate me.