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Thankful: Lynda Lee Schab’s Thankful for the Journey

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope as you’re letting the turkey and pie settle you appreciate all that you have. I’m grateful for Lynda Lee Schab. She not only wrote a fabulous post to share on this ultimate thankful day, she has been the most consistent mentor and encourager in my writing life. To say I’m excited for her is an understatement. Please read her post, leave her kind comments and then start your Christmas shopping by buying Mind Over Madi today!

Thankful for the Journey

By Lynda Lee Schab



I don’t admit this to everyone, but I’m 43 years old. I will admit to just about anyone that I have always dreamed of being a published novelist. The thing I don’t like to admit is that it took about half of those 43 years for me to achieve that dream.


But, sometimes—no, most of the time—it’s not so much about achieving the dream as it is about getting there.


I submitted my first work for publication in 1988, at age twenty. Despite a couple of people who discouraged me by telling me not to get my hopes up, I ended up with three greeting cards published. I went on to submit to magazines, and among the many rejections, somehow managed to get a few articles published, too. But my passion—my dream—was to write a novel. So, slowly but surely, I started writing one.

Then kids happened. And my manuscript, along with my dream, got shelved for a few years while I took care of my family.


Then my kids grew up. At least, “up” enough to fend for themselves a bit. So I blew the dust off that manuscript before deciding to trash it and start fresh. But before I did, I needed to hone my skill. Yes, I had some raw talent, but that wouldn’t be enough. Since I’d never taken any writing classes, I needed to learn some writing “rules,” and connect with other, more seasoned, writers who I could glean from.


A couple of writing websites helped me do just that. In 2004 I joined FaithWriters.com, a site I credit to re-jumpstarting my writing. The (then weekly, now bi-weekly) Writing Challenge helped me grow in my ability. I also met oodles of other Christian writers who offered encouragement and constructive feedback. I started volunteering as a judge and an editor to the (now defunct) ezine. Eventually, I was asked to do some work for the FaithWriters owner, which I still do today.


I found American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) in 2006. There, I got to rub virtual elbows with dozens of published and multi-published authors I admire and enjoy. I got hooked up with a wonderful critique group. I took e-courses and devoured information like a PacMan gobbles up those dots.


I entered writing contests, taking “runner up” in the FaithWriters Page Turner contest in 2007, and finaling in the ACFW Genesis contest three years in a row. I volunteered as a contest judge. I continued to freelance. I posted guest blogs for my friends and featured other authors on my blog. All while working on that book. Because the dream of becoming a published author was stronger than ever.


In 2010, I signed with my agent, Terry Burns, of Hartline Literary Agency. “Finally!” I thought. “Now I’ll get that published novel!”


But almost a year and a half went by with rejection after rejection after rejection from publishers. They liked my voice, and the story, but “lits” (my book is a “Mom lit” style) were out. It just wasn’t what publishers were looking for at the moment. I had many frustrated moments. Times when I wondered when I’d get the email from my agent telling me he’d exhausted all avenues and was dropping me as a client. Times when I asked God why He wasn’t making it happen for me.


And then, this past June, 2011, I got “the call” informing me that OakTara had offered me a contract. And I said “Quick, send it to me before they change their mind!”


So here I am. My first novel, Mind over Madi, was released on November 15, a whole 23 years after submitting my first piece of writing. Looking back, I think—no, I know—I needed every minute of those 23 years to prepare me for this moment. I could spend my time wishing I’d had my first book published ten years ago, like some of the incredible young authors I know. That I was publishing my fifteenth novel instead of my first. But all that would do is fill me with disappointment and regret.


We all have our own dreams. And our own path get there.


Today I am thankful. I am thrilled to see my book on store shelves and have finally achieved the dream God dropped in my heart all those years ago. But, even more, I am thankful for the doors He opened, the people I’ve met, and the things I’ve learned along the way.

LYNDA LEE SCHAB got her writing start in greeting cards  (Blue Mountain Arts, Dayspring)  and from there  went on to write  articles and short stories (Mature Living, Christian Home &  School)  and in many places online (including www.Examiner.com and  www.wow-womenonwriting.com), but  her passion has always been fiction. 

Mind Over Madi, her debut novel, is near and dear to her heart.  Lynda admits  she has a lot in
common with  the character of Madi. Not only are they both  addicted to ice cream, chocolate, and computer games,  they  struggle with the same types of insecurities and continually require a hefty dose of God’s grace.

Lynda works behind the scenes at FaithWriters.com and is a member of ACFW. She is a regular book reviewer for FaithfulReader.com and is the Grand Rapids Christian Fiction Examiner and the National Writing Examiner for Examiner.com.  Mind Over Madi  received Runner-up in the 2007 FaithWriters Page Turner contest, was a finalist in the 2007 RWA Get your Stiletto in the Door contest, and won second place in the 2008 ACFW Genesis contest, Chick Lit category. Lynda lives with her husband, Rob, and two teenagers in Michigan. 

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13 years ago

Thanks for sharing such a wonderful post.

13 years ago

I agree, getting to your dream is the best part. you can never know what will happen on the way to your dream…

Julie Arduini
13 years ago
Reply to  Denise

I’m so excited for Lynda. May Mind Over Madi bless many! Happy Thanksgiving!

Julie Arduini
13 years ago
Reply to  anna

That is so true. I know Lynda’s post was a great reminder for me. Happy Thanksgiving!

Lynda Schab
13 years ago

Thanks for the comments, ladies! My main point is to not give up on your dream and, more importantly, enjoy every step, no matter how small it may seem at the time! Have a fabulous Thanksgiving! And thanks, Julie, for the feature and for blessing me with your friendship. 🙂

Julie Arduini
13 years ago
Reply to  Lynda Schab

Happy Thanksgiving, Lynda!