Fiction Friday Character Swap: Suzanne’s Cold Tail
Well this is going to be fun and interesting!
Rick is hosting Fiction Friday this week and he came up with an idea I wanted to try. We’re doing a character swap. I received a name of a Fiction Friday participant and my assignment was to look at their blog full of stories and choose one of their characters to write a Fiction Friday post for this week. The character should resemble the essence of the original storyline but it doesn’t have to be a continuation of the other person’s story.
I’m mixing it up even more because I just can’t follow directions.
I’m taking their character and the essence of the story but using my current fiction style to create the post.
So…Sci-Fi is about to get a little sweeter with some sass because I’m taking Rick’s SUZANNE character from his blog Pod Tales and Ponderings and writing up a Sci-Fi post, Chick Lit style….
A love like Suzanne loves Daniel.
I wasn’t supposed to hear Elizabeth’s conversation with Richard but how could I ignore any conversation that gave my name? At first mention I gave a victory fist pump, pleased to hear our names in association with deep love. Within seconds I felt a physical burden, an invisible weight that moved to my abdominal region. As soon as I felt the rocks in my gut the thought came with a sudden thud.
How can an eighteen year old have the corner on true love, even in a controlled environment like the pod?
Okay, I didn’t waste time once I knew we were in the age of consent and figured Eva would approve our relationship. That kiss was worth the awkward mermaid in a pod shower scene where Daniel was the back scrubber yet again. The look in his eyes, the dawning on him that we were in a new era with even tighter quarters, I won’t forget that. Ever.
But did I misjudge what I thought was deep love in Daniel’s eyes for panic?
“Suzanne. You realize you’re allowed to move forward, not backward, right?”
Eva. She was a master at sneaking up on us. Thankfully it was usually with a smile and a word of encouragement; yet never compromising her authority. I took a second to catch my breath, still startled.
“I guess I wasn’t thinking. I stumbled on something I don’t think was meant for me and I wanted to find Daniel.” I start to swim but Eva’s reply takes me off guard.
“You feel pressure from what you heard Elizabeth say about you.”
She didn’t even ask. She just put it out there as a statement. It was the only way Eva seemed to operate when it came to communications. I tried to speak but high-pitched squeaks come out instead. Eva chuckled while I continued the high decibel sounds. She kept speaking.
“Do you think you’re the only one who felt everyone looked up to them for direction and answers? Do you believe you’re the definition of what Elizabeth is trying to obtain?”
I closed my mouth and cleared my throat to cease the sounds. “We’re eighteen. I love him but I know love fails. I fail. Look what I did to Emilio.” I dunked my own biological father. But Daniel and I both knew my dunk was more serious of a statement than it appeared. Even in song the others described what they saw in me. Spunk. Spontaneity.
Eva seemed to read my thoughts, her response ready as soon as I stopped speaking. “If I didn’t think you two could handle it, I wouldn’t have allowed the two of you to be anything but childhood friends. I believe in love as I see it in you and Daniel. It won’t be perfect or easy, but it will endure. You also won’t experience it alone. I believe that is what gives Elizabeth hope. You go before her in this thing called love as Marta went ahead of you.”
I considered her words long after she left. I floated to the family area where Daniel seemed deep in thought. I moved as close to his backside as I could with measured movement. Surely Eva wasn’t the only one successful at sneaking. My hands were within inches of hugging his waist from behind when he turned.
“So it is you.” He moved forward for a kiss, then held my hands. There was hardly any distance between us. The tighter he squeezed my hands the more I quietly prayed I would not squeak in return.
“Just me.” I sang.
“Nonsense. Suzanne there is nothing ‘just’ about you. You’re my beloved. I look forward to your return the moment you’re out of my vision.” I focused on Daniel’s eyes. So true, always sincere.
“You’re too kind. I’m glad I stole that kiss.”
Daniel chuckled, not letting go, but swinging our hands. “My dear, you didn’t steal anything. I wanted that kiss. Still do.”
He winked and fulfilled his wish. I released my right hand and placed it on his broad chest.
“Do you want the responsibilities of being a married couple? I mean, do you ever feel overwhelmed? When the others look at us is it too much pressure?” My words flew with gunfire speed. Daniel continued to grin.
“Are you getting cold tail?”
I transferred my hands to my own chest, crossing them. I bit my lip, trying to act angry. I knew what he meant. Married couples in the world had that phrase about cold feet. I chose burden with Elizabeth’s statement. I didn’t want too embrace the world’s ways. At. all.
“You’re making fun of me.” I accused.
Daniel shook his head. “I don’t mean to. But this isn’t the headstrong woman I said yes to during Eva’s bathroom ceremony.”
“She knows what she’s doing, right? When Eva gives a directive it’s because of wisdom.” I was thinking aloud and talking to Daniel. He nodded, reaching for me, uncrossing my arms.
“Not only does Eva know her choices are correct, we do as well. We’ll be okay Suzanne.” Daniel drew me closer and I relaxed in his embrace. As I rested my head on him his pecs started shaking from laughter.
“What now?”
“I figured out why our love will endure. We’re two peas… in a pod.”
Nicely done! It was very much a pleasure reading your Pod story, and the Pod approves!
How fun! Bet you had a good time writing this one?