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Thankful Guest Bloggers Needed

Thankful_editedANNUAL THANKFUL GUEST BLOG POST EVENT: Each November I hand my blog over to guest bloggers and they share why they are thankful. The post can be a short as a paragraph and as long as 750 words. It can be silly or serious. Each year slots fill up pretty fast and get hundreds of hit daily. I’d love for YOU to contribute.

Send your post, short bio and optional picture to me at juliearduini@juliearduini.com. I am not able to reserve a certain date without your completed information sent with that request. Otherwise, first come, first served. If you have a book you want to promote I don’t mind sharing the cover and a little blurb at end, but I want the focus to be thankfulness. The posts don’t have to come from authors, so I don’t want readers to shy away if they see a lot of book promotion.

I look forward to seeing your posts!

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