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Surviving Triggers

I was having an in depth conversation with a friend when I mentioned triggers. They are the things that when pulled, so to speak, I go on the defensive and usually if I’m not prayerfully prepared, things don’t go well for me or the person with the “gun.”

I think it’s a good idea to think about what your triggers might be. That way when they come, they have less of a chance to catch you off guard and place you in a reactive mode. I really want to be proactive with my choices and be part of a solution, not a problem. I think identifying triggers helps all the way around.

I’ll share mine to give you an idea. Then, leave a comment telling me what you think. I definitely advise you go to God on this and ask Him what your triggers are and for His help when they are pulled.


My Triggers:

  • Being rushed (same for both our kids)
  • Financial pressure (similar to being rushed.  When hubby wants documents with a minute notice that is a trigger for me)
  • Any conversation that makes me feel boxed in a corner and again rushed to respond
  • When my words are twisted. I have an excellent call back memory on conversations and when someone puts me in the middle with a twist on words.
  • When I fear for a child in any way. It can be as big as fearing they are abused to being disappointed they aren’t reaching potential for a reason that is within an adult’s control.
  • When bureaucracy gets in the way. I long for heaven for many reasons but I kid you not, to know there is no health insurance in heaven, I’m so THERE. I feel like an execution style bullet victim from those triggers.
  • When I witness people tear each other down, not build each other up. I also feel it is a trigger when I see someone tear themselves down. Our words have power. Our tongue carries life and death. Let’s build ourselves up, let’s build others up.
  • When people want to talk to me about their problems but don’t want to change.
  • Unrepentence, especially when it comes to marriage vows. They are more than words, people.


Yes, there is a lot here. It appears I could react in almost any situation. Some triggers get to me faster than others. But this I know, relying on God’s divine power for every move I make, word I say, thing I think is the ONLY way I’m going to survive the triggers.

How about you?


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